The candidate didn't get it. He could spew numbers and statistics. He understood the political landscape. He had four things he was supporting. He was trying to figure out tactics for his campaign. He wanted great ideas that would propel him to a win. His ideas including giving away coffee mugs, and using signage.
Excuse me while I yawn. He was so boring, I almost fell asleep. He has no chance of winning with that mindset.
Here's what I told him. Political campaigns were run like high school popularity contests. The person that was the best known gets elected. Or the person that was second best known wins because everyone was upset with the incumbent. If it's a popularity contest, then its a branding problem.
I don't understand politics. Branding is my baby...
According to Karen Post, a brand is a story embedded in the mind of the market. So if you want to be properly branded, you start by telling stories that are remarkable. Stories get shared. Remarkability initiates memorability. Memorability creates top of mind awareness. Top of mind awareness generates popularity. The equation is easy. He/she who is best branded, wins in both business and politics.
The problem with most people is they don't have the guts to step out of their comfort zone to be remarkable. My advice to this candidate was to stay in the muddy middle. We don't need another gutless politician. We have enough of them already.