Friday, September 11, 2015

Air propels the world's biggest ships

Watching a documentary on the world's biggest ships, I learned that these floating cities generate air bubbles under the boat to remove the friction between the hull and the water.

Boats float but to ride through the water requires it to push water out of the way.  Motion causes friction and friction costs money.

Removing friction allows the ship to go faster with less fuel expense.

The boat skates on the air bubbles.

Thinking about this new invention, I started to wonder about the friction of our lives. Could the removal of friction have the same benefit of a ship: that is to say we could achieve our goals faster with less energy?

Boat = Us
Destination = Our goals
Water = Life
Friction = Conflict

Friction is nothing more than all the things that slow us down while we ride the waves of life. Sometimes that conflict is inner and other times it's with another.

What's the friction in your life that weighs heavy? If you spend the majority of your energy of a particular area and you don't feel like you're moving forward, the friction is high.

Friction doesn't go away with more energy. Just like a ship, friction can only be reduced in a person's life by introducing something new.

The process will depend on the person. The size and frequency of air bubbles depend on the size of the ship. A person's "air bubbles" could be meditation, creative writing, dancing, singing or painting.

The air bubbles will come from the left brain, where creativity lies. Creativity is the key to living a teflon life.

Just like a boat needs some friction or it could not float, people need conflict. Without it, life would be too easy.

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