Fear loves excuses.
We use excuses to rationalize why we can't do something.
As long as it's rationalized, we understand it.
We accept it.
Fear hates freedom.
Fear is a survival technique. It is formed in pre-frontal cortex. It's been with us since the beginnings of humanity. Presented with a dangerous situation, our surviving ancestors figured out when to fight or flee.
Those who couldn't figure out when it was best, died. And their genes died with them.
Our genes come from the ancestors who made the right choices.
Humans are not the strongest beast on the planet. Nor are they the fastest. We weren't born to fly or to remain under water for long periods of time.
These basic weaknesses should have killed us all. Advancements were made by those who chose to fight at the right time. Fighting evolved the species's ability to solve problems. Technology is the result of someone's fight to find solutions to problems.
Fleeing saves a life, but doesn't advance it. Those who flee are genetically predisposed to flee. It's in their genes.
If you're a lover not a fighter, realize you'll have to fight for something. If not for yourself, for your future generations. The "flee" genes will be passed down to your future generations if you continue to run.
You can take charge of your life and fight the fear. To look at fear and act defines courage.
What's the worst that could happen?
Death? Probably not. But if so, we all gotta go sometime.
Financial loss? Find a way to make more money.
Loss of love? Find someone better.
Loss of house? Get an apartment.
Loss of friends? Get new and better friends.
There's nothing to fear but fear itself!
Fear IS the worst thing that can happen to you.
Remember fear comes from a time when our ancestors were worried about sabre tooth tigers lurking in the forest.
I know you'd fight for your future generations, so why don't you start now. Be courageous. Act despite your fear. It's the only way to be free.
Some people just want to be comfortable. They want to be safe and secure.
Freedom is the opposite of Security.
The more security you seek, the less freedom you'll have.
The more freedom you seek, the less security you'll have.
Which do you want for your future generations, more security or more freedom?
Your decisions today will affect your children's children's children. Do you want your great grand children to think of you as a hero? Or not at all.
The chances they don't think or know anything about you is greater if all you ever do is flee.