Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hatred of apathy

Isn't it great being around passionate, energetic, hopeful people? There's something magical about these people. They have so much life inside of them. They are magnetic. They attract awesome results. They make things happen for themselves and those around them. These people are on a quest. You can smell it on them.

Then there's the alternative. The apathetic individual who goes bumbling through life wishing for something good to happen, but not really caring about making anything happen. You can smell them too, but it's not as fresh.

Every time I hear the words "I don't care", I get a huge shiver up my spine. It disgusts me and scares me at the same time. Not caring says a lot about an individual.

These words have made it into modern lexicon as a way of acting cool. Probably around 13, coolness became an important character trait for some odd reason. To be cool meant conformity and hopeful procreation. Putting coolness aside, not caring is the opposite of love.

My kids have started using those dreaded words. Yesterday I scolded them for saying them. They were confused. My daughter asked me if they were bad words. Although individually they are not bad words, I responded that the words were more about an attitude that was unacceptable.

I don't care is like whining. It's a stink filled attitude that brings down both the speaker and the listener.

I care! If you don't, stay away from me. I WILL give you a timeout for saying these words. Ask my daughter. I'm serious.

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