Friday, November 13, 2015

Suffering from multiple personality disorder

I'm going to tell you something today that I've never shared with anyone, including my wife or my mom.

There are days I wake up and the world is a simple game that can be won. Other days, I would rather die than leave the couch. I can't explain it. The more I think, the worse it gets. If I do non-thinking tasks like watching tv or playing video games, the feelings go away. Some people  may call it bi-polar. But I'd rather not.

I think we all suffer from dual polarity.  It's the extreme cases that get our attention. It's the people who can't escape the lows without help that become dangerous.

I'm not like that. Most likely, neither are you.

I also suffer from a light case of multiple personality disorder. It's never been diagnosed either.

The personality who talks to my mother is a confident Sheldon Cooper.
The guy who talks to my dad is a non-technical Red Green.
When I talk to my sister an less funny Jerry Seinfeld emerges.
My wife would say I'm more like a smart Charlie Brown.

I've noticed that a different character shows up when I need him. It's my mask that I wear in order to live in this complicated world.

Chances are you don't know the real me.

You've only seen the character I allow out when we meet.

I don't think I'm not alone.

In Michael Gerber's E-Myth, the author suggests business owners have three personalities inside of us.
The technician who desires to do the work.
The manager who desires control and lives in the past.
The entrepreneur who is a dreamer and lives in the future.

He thinks every business owner struggles with the conflict of these personalities. And he uses a simple example to explain his point.

Each of us have the skinny and fat personality. If we want to lose weight, one day the skinny person makes the decision to buy the equipment necessary to shed unneeded pounds. He decides to eat better. And in the first few weeks, the skinny guy loses a couple of pounds. The commitment increases. The skinny guy is motivated to continue with increased vigour. Then one day, the results aren't there. The bathroom scale doesn't move. Disappointment sets in a bit as the fat guy shows his shadow telling the skinny guy "I told you so". The next day it rains, or we're tired, or we have too much to do, and the fat guy shows up in full form. We then rationalize why we can't do what we were doing. We break our habits and the fat personality takes over what was always his.

If you have struggled with weight loss, as I have, you know this story all too well.

Business owners struggle with the three personalities.

I believe everyone struggles with a light case of multiple personality disorder.

If not, I might be going mad.

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