Monday, February 3, 2014

Here's to your health

I take health for granted. A few months ago, I was on a strict physical training regiment called Crossfit. During that time, I was in the best shape of my life. A few times, when work got busy, I would skip my training. Health can wait. Work comes first. Right? Not according to my coach. He said that if I'm not healthy, I'm no good to anyone, including my family, my business, my friends and most importantly to myself.

He was right!!!

I hate being sick. It happens so rarely, that I have forgotten the inconvenience of it. Until I get sick. I'm a wimp when I get sick. I don't want to do anything but just lay still and try not to move my stomach muscles in fear of upsetting the status quo.

Yet after a couple of healthy days and I start taking it all for granted again. It's like the proverbial hangover when a person says "never again".

Good things are always taken for granted: health, love, happiness, summer. It's in their absence that we notice them. I wonder why.

I hate being sick. If I was sick because I overdrank,  I could have averted it by making different choices.

The next day I don't feel like this, I'm going to do everything I can to ward off these demons. Exercise, nutrition, vitamins - you're all in my future. I am going to make different choices.

My world stops when I'm under the weather.

Sorry for the rant. My brain doesn't think clearly in these conditions. I'll be better tomorrow.

Ta ta for now!

"Health is not valued until sickness comes"
- Thomas Fuller

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