Thursday, August 28, 2014

Human touch

Do you have an impression of big box retailers? Is it good, bad or are you truly indifferent about them? Do you think about the level of service you receive versus the costs savings associated with them?

I do.

In my opinion they are all the same. You get cheap stuff at better prices than most other retailers. Service is questionable at best. But there is one glaring exception to this model: Costco.

What is Costco's secret sauce? As a fan, I've been noticing things I never noticed before. First off, former CEO Jim Senegal says that the only thing that matters at Costco is employee culture. He figured out that culture is more important than brand, more important than prices, more important than anything...

Recently I had the pleasure of walking by the staff area at my local Costco. I think I saw the key ingredient in their success. On a list of employee principles, the first line said, "Look at customers in the eye".

Look at customers in the eye!!! Brilliant. Acknowledge a customer as if they matter. Not another cog in an endless line of people buying disposal crap. Companies have  a hard time training staff to do just that. And it's not just the big box multinational stores.

It's also the small and medium sized businesses.

A big company like Costco treats us like people and we reward them for it.

If you own a small business, try treating your customers like people. Treat them like family. You'll be surprised by the results. You don't need to spend that ad budget on getting new customers. Just work on the ones you already have. Create raving fans. They'll do all the advertising for you.

Have I mentioned I love Costco? What does it cost to look people in the eye?

Try it. Teach your staff how to do it. I dare you.