Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Workplace bullies, coincidences and the teacher is now the student

Oh my, how are you doing? I haven't seen you in such a long time.
I'm doing great. Business is great. Life is awesome. Family is amazing.

It's crazy. I never come here, primarily because I know too many people who come here. Normally I hang out at coffeeshops to get work done. With too many familiar faces, I can't get work done here. But I'm glad I ran into you today.
I don't believe in coincidences. For some mysterious reason, people and opportunity shows up at the right time.

I believe in that too. Not sure why we met, but I'm sure there's a reason I don't comprehend yet.
When's your book coming out?

Ugh, what?
When are you writing your book?

Umm, I've already written one. It was more of e-book to help others deal with the challenges of theft.
Oh. When's the next book coming out?

You're the second person to ask me that in the past week.
See. No coincidences.

Right, well... I've been writing for a couple of years now and posting on a blog.
Really, where is the blog.

You haven't read them?
No. Are you sharing the blogs on other platforms?

Yes, I post them to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Oh, then I'll go check them out. Why do you blog?

I started writing because I wanted to share my knowledge with the rest of the world. But the more I wrote, the more empty I felt. I felt I was looking for approval.
And what happened next?

I stopped writing for a bit. Then I started writing for me. I didn't write to teach. I wrote to learn.
So the teacher became the student.

Yes. And now I don't care if anyone gets anything out of my writing, as long as I'm learning from them.
So you're thinking more?

Yes. And my blogs are getting more readers.
So the more real you get, the more others enjoy your thoughts.

Maybe so. But I'm trying to be careful with that. I'm reading a book called, "Ego is the Enemy". And I'm seeing things in me that I don't like.
My Ego is My Enemy.

As it is mine. It's funny how things happen. I'm going to tell you a personal story. Have you ever heard the saying, if you fail to learn the lesson, the story will repeat?
Yes of course.

Well, I'm dealing with a difficult person in my business.
Employee or someone else?

It's actually a supplier. But I've seen the exact same personality on no less than four other times in my life. Four different people yet exactly all the same.
So why do they keep coming into your life?

I think it's because I haven't learned the lesson yet.
That's an excellent perspective. Tell me about the most recent personality.

He's a guy that is extremely competitive. I am too. But when I try to win, I don't try to do it at your expense.
Isn't that what competition is?

It can be. And for my latest challenge, I believe my opponent thinks that way. For him to win, someone must lose. Yet, I believe I can win and you can too.
That seems to be anticompetitive.

Let me explain. I think the race of life isn't a race. It's a journey. As I'm setting my goals for the stars, I may end up on the moon and still be very happy with the result, without negatively affecting anyone else's intentions, or dreams.
Ok. I buy that.

However, if you believe in win-lose scenario, you're going to drain the fuel in my rocket ship and I won't get off the ground.
So you're worried that your competitor will hurt your aspirations of goal achievement.

No. I don't like people who work that way. So when I see them, I get frustrated, emotional and the interactions always ends poorly.
Is the problem you or your nemesis?

It's me. Clearly. Funny enough, I call the negative personality a bully.
Ok. And how do you deal with a bully?

Well, I've been taught to stand up to them.
How has that worked out for you?

Terribly. My last bully and I used to get into heated debates every week. I would usually back down in front of him, but would always leave unfulfilled, frustrated, mad and anxious.
And how did you get rid of him?

I left the business. But on the last day I was there, I learned a little trick.
A trick?

Yeah, the bully was up to his usual control tactics. He placed an ultimatum that would affect me financially. And for the first time in our relationship, I didn't fight back. I didn't respond with hatred. I looked at him in the eyes and told him that it did not matter. If I was robbed of what I was owed, I would accept it.
And how did he react?

He walked away. And I kept on doing what I could to help in the transition.
And the result?

I got exactly what I wanted on the day I wanted it. No delays, no financial loss.
So by letting go of what you were worried about, you got what you wanted?

See what I mean. The teacher is becoming the student.
Keep learning. You have a new bully who is pulling the same crap the old bullies did. You know what to do.

You've given me great insight. Thank you so much, but I have to go. I'm late for a meeting.
Good luck in dealing with your Ego. You're right, the ego is the enemy.

And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Right. Who do you think is the enemy of your ego?

You might be right. Good luck.