Sunday, May 25, 2014

I'm back!!!!

Guess who's back?

It was exactly a month today that I stopped writing my blog. For those of you that have been following me thank you for asking where the new material was.

I write to get inspired. I write to inspire others. I've been uninspired for a month so I figured it was time to get going again. Thanks to all those words of encouragement...

Something happened to me recently that I felt needed to be shared. I have been blessed with many great people, great opportunities, and great experiences.

In almost everything I have gotten, it wasn't achieved the way I expected it. Snags, challenges, roadblocks always present themselves when I expect results. Each time it sucks yet each time when I let go of my plans, it's seems like my wishes actually come together. Easy as it sounds it happens every time. And I seem to forget this rule each and every time.

A friend told me last week that when we stop making plans is when God shows us his true plan. I know it may be too spiritual for some of you. But please explain it another way that makes sense.

I would love to hear why this law always presents itself.