Friday, October 23, 2020

Would you like cheese with that?

There is a polarization effect happening right now in 2020. 

The world is not fair. Who cares?

You follow a code, a belief system. If you're over the age of 8, you have an opinion on many things. Sharing those opinions is your right in a free, democratic country. Forcing them on others is wrong.

Just because I let you speak doesn't mean you are going to change my mind on what I think is truth and what is fake.

So please be kind to others. Understand we all very different and we have the right to be different. 

Masks, vaccines are just the tip of the iceberg. We are heading towards troubled waters and if we're not careful, we are putting everything we cherish at risk.

And that makes me sad.

I grew up in a world that told me to be good, help others and freedom was mine.

The world told me to not worry about what others did and only worry about what I was doing.

She taught the importance of being strong, if not for myself for those who counted on me.

She explained that not all people would agree with what I have to say. I should shut my mouth and let others speak twice as much because of the ears to mouth ratio.

She asked if I wanted cheese with my whine when I felt it wasn't fair.

She laughed when I cried, so I stopped crying.

I'm tired of the Covid fighting because I fear the worst. The worst in us comes from civil unrest, over taxation and polarization of principles, thoughts and actions.

I'm tired of leaders who don't lead, social media that is not social, and whiners who seek attention.

If you want to wear a mask, congratulations on trying to save the world.

If you don't want to wear a mask, congratulations for exhibiting your rights in a democracy.

Both sides make arguments that are biased and laced with self determination to move the other side to their way of thinking. 

The ironic thing is neither side will ever budge from their nest. Their beliefs are so firmly entrenched in cement that we waste our times trying to change them.

So what's the answer?

Damned if I know. I'm gonna keep my head down and try not get caught in the crossfire.