Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Get into their heads

You are busy.
The last thing you need is to be told you need that new gadget.

So you ignore the message.

You will not do something unless you've already gone there in your mind.

It's the job of the advertiser to get you there.

Marketing's job is to get in your customer's head.
Factual ads detailing features and benefits appeal to the left brain.
The left brain is responsible for logic and analysis.

Marketing's job is to get in your customer's head.
For them to remember the ad.
To recall the company.
To want the product.

Marketing's job is to create an emotion within the customer.
For them to remember the ad.
To recall the company.
To want the product.

Factual ads cannot do that.

The key to results based marketing is emotional based advertising.
Emotion is not linear or factual.
It's non linear.
It lives in the right hemisphere of the brain.

The right-brain wants to be entertained. It desires creativity. It thrives on ideas.

Will any old marketing work?
The simple answer is Yes.
But it means, that the customer has to ALREADY be in the market to buy when they hear the factual message.
They are ALREADY there.

Here's why you don't want to do any old marketing.
1. Your competitors are already doing it.
2. No one knows why you're better.
3. No one cares you exist.
4. They don't need you. They already have the product or service from someone else.
5. You'll waste a bunch of money and will think marketing doesn't work in your category.
6. If you haven't convinced them you are different, they will decide for themselves based on convenience, location and price. 
7. Price is a terrible marketing differentiator.

The key to get marketing to work is very simple.
1. Come up with a compelling message that no one else dares say.
2. Tell as many people as you can as effectively as you can.
3. Get in the customer's brain even when they don't see/hear your marketing.
4. Talk to your target audience a minimum of 3 times per week with a words that keeps changing but the message is the same.

If you do this, your cash register will be so full that you will need a bucket under the counter to throw in the extra cash to keep it from falling on the floor.

Tomorrow I'm going to show you an example of how to get in your customers' heads using Kijiji ads.

If you want to figure out how to get in your customers heads with your marketing, you can reach me at

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Witnessing a woman's pain

The empty face.
The wet eyes.
The dry voice.
The grey colour.

Emotional pain hurts,
Not only those inflicted,
Also the affected others.

There is no bandaid
Or a mother's kiss
That makes the pain

There is no magical cure
or wave of the wand
That makes the pain

There is only pain.
Deep, emotional, raw

Life must go on,
No one knows how,
Except to take another step.

The heart is lured to quit
The soul is tantalized to wonder why
When the real question might be "Why not".

Why does this have to happen?
What purpose does it serve?
Except to hurt,
To pain,
To kill emotionally.

I've witnessed this pain four times.
Four STRONG women scammed by their emotions

Backstabbed by their Love.
Not of their fault.
That's why women are special,
Their ability to love,
Is unconditional!

Women are connected to their emotions.
So they cry...
Men cry too, but in a different way.

In my life,
Four times, women have been double crossed by their Love.
Four times... They wept uncontrollably
Four times... I cried for them uncontrollably
Four times... I cried with them uncontrollably
Four times... I hurt uncontrollably
Maybe I witnessed what it was like to be a woman.
For Four brief moments.

A cloudy, lonely pain,
As delicious as an uncooked steak.
As desirable as Disneyworld during a hurricane.

Four times, I sat and cried
Out loud,

Four times the image was the same.

Four times,

Four times...

This poem is dedicated to the four strong women who continue to influence my life. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Your DNA will never forget, even after your gone

I am a product of my experiences. So are you.

Life has an ability to rip open our souls to teach us a lesson. When we don’t listen, the cut goes deeper and takes longer to heal.

Souls aren't worth one lifetime. They are the result of many lifetimes.  

Our DNA never forgets. It trains us like a herd of Pavlov dog’s to act predictably.

It is not only my experiences that dictates my actions and beliefs, it is also those of my parents, grandparents and great, great grandparents.

Their most important experiences created beliefs and thus their parenting styles. These styles are carried through generations and get fused into our DNA.

The lesser beliefs get lost. The unburdened get tossed. The strong ones gets carried to the next generation.

I don't think I'm like my dad, there's a cheapness about me that is easily recognizable in in my dad. I thought it ended there. My grandparents weren't cheap. They were poor. There's a difference between inability to pay and unwillingness to pay.

My friend David told me a story about a Scottish stereotype that they were cheap. 

Frugality is a trait found in Scottish families.  They aren’t lavish, show-offs. They keep their wallets close and save for the rainy day.  Nicholson is a Scottish clan.  So maybe, I come from a family that has been conditioned for centuries to be cheap. 

But what about my inability to accept authority?

Myers Briggs categorizes me an INFP: "Moderator". A moderator hates authority, needs to be included in decisions, does not like to be told what to do.

It is possible my INFP personality is something I learned and have been conditioned for.

I don't know where my hatred of authority comes from. My family wasn’t controlling.

In childhood, I wasn't overly controlled, except for two memorable times in school. There was the Jacket Judge of 1990 and the Detention Obstention of 1989

I was an A student, so the school rules seemed slacker for me. I would stand to defy the teacher, like a politician debating a writ into law. 

This story is about the Detention Obsention. The class was out of control. Jamie P was throwing erasers at Tommy B. Jason T was farting and making David H laugh uncontrollably. Even the girls were losing their minds with constant laughter and chitter chatter. In the midst of anarchy and full moons, literally, Ms Bourque lost her mind and put the entire class into detention at lunch time. 

I was laughing but not one of the antagonists. 
I thought the punishment wasn't appropriate for me. 
So I chose to boycott her detention. 

I went to the public library instead. The library was directly across the street from school and I had a general permission slip from my mom to leave school grounds at lunch time. I didn't need the books. I was hiding and silently objecting to Ms. Bourque's rule. After picking out two books, I made sure to catch the last moments of jail time. 

Ms. Bourque looked at me with the same disappointment my grandmother looked at me when I tormented my younger sister to tears. 
I argued the punishment didn’t fit the crime. 
I explained my plans trumped hers. 
And she didn’t have authority over my plans. 

But that day, I saw Ms Bourque’s face, under her mask of blush turn fire engine red. Her little orange-haired head bobbed back and forth like it was about to boil over the top. Her tongue was wrapped around her molars so tight that she barely squeezed out six words, “The rest of you can go”. 

I sat there for seconds, but it felt like an hour. Not a word was spoken until the bell blasted through the silence, signalling the end of lunch. She murmured while glaring into my soul with, “We have another date tomorrow”.  In which I quipped, “Not if I have something better planned”.  The next day, I decided it was in my best interest to spend time with Ms Bourque, so I did it.  

I lost her respect that day. Our relationship never healed. I wasn't a bad kid. I was a good student. 

I wasn’t a punk rebel. 
I didn’t like heavy metal or the t-shirts the rebels liked to wear. 

I didn’t smoke, drink or do drugs. 

Ms Bourque has reappeared in my life many times, in different forms. Punishment does not work on me. It makes me bitter, angry, vindictive and vengeful. Anyone who tries to tell me what to do loses me. I won’t contribute. I rebel, sabotage and defy...usually in silence.

I hate myself when I’m like that. It doesn’t solve anything.

But it is who I am. And I accept it.

Maybe that’s how the Scots felt under English rule.

It's impossible to know what your DNA holds, but it isn't so hard to know your MBTI personality profile. It has taught me a lot about who I am as a parent, worker, friend, spouse and child.

What is your MBTI? You can find out for free at

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Are you ALL IN?

You are hiding in the bushes.
On the other side lay a deer.
You just killed it with your bear hands.
For now you hide.
Because you heard a rustle in the weeds.
You are the predator.
You are also the prey.
The rustle turns into the beast as he steps into the field.
He sees the deer.
He is hungry.
So are you.
What do you do?

Genetically, we are predisposed to eliminate risk from our lives. It saved us from our predators.

The ability to act despite the risk is responsible for all inventions.

We face risk and we worry about what could happen.
We associate it with negative results, specifically danger.
We think it's the beast that will kill us and eat our prey too.

In the above situation, Plan A was to get something to eat. Plan B is to run and hide to live another day.

We are often faced with risky decisions. We develop our plan A's and B's. Plan B is the alternative, not the desire. It's the safer of the two.

When faced with risk, it's easier to choose the alternative.
We can justify that the desire didn't WORK...

Primary plans cannot be executed if there is a Plan B.

When someone tells me they have a Plan B, I know they will fail at Plan A.
Things always go wrong.
I think it's God's way of asking us if we really want what we're looking for.
When things go wrong, it's easy to quit.
When you have a Plan B.
Not so, if you only have one Plan.

From my experience, if you are not ALL IN, then you're not IN at ALL.

Think about that the next time you make plans to do something. Do you have a Plan B?

Friday, March 10, 2017

Linear vs exponential

My electrician wanted to talk to me. He read the blog, "Why you shouldn't get into business" and wanted to discuss it.

I agree with most everything you said with one exception:
If I do 50% of the work of my competitor won't I get 50% of the results of him as well?

He stumped me. I didn't have an answer on the spot so I promised him I would think about it.

The quick answer is No.
The reason is exponentiality.

First off, assuming you work every week for 40 hours, but your competitor works 80 hours. In the competition race, he already has years of experience ahead of you. So working half the hours allows him to keep going further than you.  You can't catch him. He's more experienced, faster and gets more done in a week. Now if you're starting from the same place and you work half as hard as he does, you will always be halfway behind him.

This is a linear example. Like I said it's not a linear problem.

Let's use an example from the finance community to prove my point. If we save 1 cent per day, and the total amount saved doubles every day, how much money will we have in 30 days. The answer is $5,368,709.12.

If you save a half cent and instead of doubling every day, it only increases by 50%, do you know how much money you will have in 30 days? $1,775.47.

Even if we start from the same place, i.e. a penny saved with only 50% increases per day, the amount of money saved is $5,918.24.

Business results are not linear. They are exponential. The small daily efforts seem small in the beginning. It takes maximum effort every day. Over time, those efforts done consistently compound to pay off big time.

That is why working at half pace yields very little results.

The resulting difference isn't half. It's like a tenth of one percent.

The same thing happens with marketing efforts. Most business know they need to spend money in marketing, but they go in and out of the market. They try a tactic. Then they stop because it "didn't work". They try another tactic. Again, they stop complaining about it not working. They never allow the power of compounding to help them.

The other scenario I see with marketing is customers will do 100% of the work and quit before the huge payoff.  Imagine my first example on exponentiality. 20 days of hard work yields small results. It's the last five days that makes us millionaires beyond our wildest dreams.

If you save a penny per day, and the total amount saved doubles every day:
after 15 days you will only have $163.84;
after 20 days you will only have $5,242.88;
after 25 days you will only have $167,772.16.

Hope that answers your question. Thanks for asking.

If you want to get exponential results from your marketing efforts, you can reach me at

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Peacock theory

There's a great book called, "Fourth Turning"  written by Neil Howe and William Strauss. It makes predictions based on generational theory. The book was written in 1997 and reading it for a second time in 2017 was interesting to see many of their predictions come true.

This blog isn't about that book. It's about another one. I was looking for a new book on Amazon. Because Strauss and Howe were in my favourites, "The Game" was a suggested reading. The author's name was Neil Strauss. I thought it was from the same co-author as "Fourth Turning", so I picked it up. Hint: It was NEIL Howe and William STRAUSS.

Amazon's logarithm sent me down a rabbit hole that I will never recover from. "The Game" is a detailed story on the world of Pick up artists.

For those who don't know, pick up artists are marketers who go to clubs to pick up women. Essentially the book recounts the author's experience in this subculture.

Although none of them were psychologists, they implemented tools of psychology to influence other people's behaviour - mostly women.

One tool was a theory called Peacock theory.

Here's how it works: Pick up artists go to a club and wear the most outrageous clothes they can find to gather attention.

Imagine going to a club and seeing a guy with a lip ring, a velour hat, a fur boa around his neck, a leather vest, platform shoes, a few tattoos and tight leather jeans.

It would be hard not to wonder who the weirdo is. Is he a rockstar? Is he famous? He oozes confidence as he struts around the club. People talk to him. They want to know him because he might be famous. He's going to make friends. And if he's good at sales, he will take a girl home with him.

I peacock-ed one time on Halloween. I wore what looked like a baby bottle nipple on my head. It was supposed to look like the end of a condom. I was the human Penis. My T-shirt had a safe sex message with another condom behind a plastic window on my chest. I was 21 years old.

Although it was Halloween, I was still embarrassed.

It ended up being a lot of fun. 82 girls approached me that night. It looked funny. I was the only Penis in a room filled with cowboys, hippies, and rappers. Girls wanted to rub my head. It was the most attention I have ever received at the clubs.

That was marketing!!!

Don't look or act like your competitors.
Gather attention.
Attract potential customers to you.
Close the deal.

Peacocking gets attention.

Good marketing works exactly like peacocking.

Tell a compelling story that is "new, exciting or different". If you're story is boring, the PUA's would say you're another AFC (Average Frustrated Chump).

There is an area in the brain called Broca's area. It pays attention to "new, exciting or different". If your message is none of the three, Broca slams the door on the AFC.

AFC's don't get the customer.

When your business looks and acts different,

Some will hate your "style"...
You will be "unforgettable"...

You won't be an AFC anymore.

You'll get the customer's attention.
And if you're good at sales, you'll get the customer...

If you want help getting past Broca's area of the brain and you are ready for your marketing efforts to be unforgettable, you can reach me at

PS. Here's a picture of that human Penis

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Who's doing the hiring?

You work constantly at building your business.

Cold calling.
Shaking hands.
Meeting new people.
Facebook posts, tweets, instagram uploads...
Going to those events dubbed as networking events only to walk away with business cards from people trying to do the same thing as you are.

No one has any money.
Every one is working to build a client list.

You find a few clients from this networking, but you are on a hamster wheel. You are going no where. You believe this is progress.

Because BELIEF is all you have left.

Struggling to find enough money to put food on the table, you pretend everything is going well in fear that if the potential customer really knew what was going on, they would never buy from you.

No one wants to work with the struggling supplier!

We take any client who wants our product or service. Money is important and sales are the key to making it.

We find a client who is a pain in the ass.
They struggle to pay our invoice.
Their demands are impossible.
They are intimidating.
They are assholes, for lack of a better word.

A mentor tells you to fire them. You agree but it's hard to let go of that extra income. You worked hard for that sale.

But you didn't qualify them properly.
You qualified them on the basis of need.
Mostly yours.
Mostly financial.

In the service sector, a client needs to be qualified before you take them on. A client is no different than an employee.

In hiring an employee, you research them. You conduct interviews and personality test. You check references and make a decision. Most importantly, you find out if the employee is a good fit for your organization.

Most service sector businesses don't hire their clients. They allow themselves to be hired. By not being selective in their client recruitment, they turn their services into a hired commodity.

A commodity, by definition, does not have qualitative differences to the market.
The cheapest usually wins in the mind of the buyer.
The cheap buyer is usually an unrealistic one.

If you want more success in your client recruitment, don't allow clients to decide if they are going to hire you. You have to decide if there is a fit first.

The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with people who BELIEVE what you BELIEVE.

You are doing the hiring. Find clients who believe what you believe first.

If you want to find clients who believe the same things you do, I can help you with that. It's a simple process but not easy to do. It's one of the things we learn at Wizard Academy. You can reach me at to find out more.