Wow, that's a loaded question. But before I answer your question, let me ask one of my own. Are your sales the same as last year, better than last year or worse than last year?
We're about the same as last year.
And did you do any advertising you really felt worked for you?
Not sure. We spent some money on different things. Some customers came in but it didn't really move the needle longterm.
Are you going to do those things again next year?
We did get some clients. I don't know if it was worth the money, but it did bring in some customers that we hadn't seen before.
And your business is flat.
So despite some of your marketing initiatives, your business is relatively flat. Would you agree that some customers you had last year no longer come to you?
We do a really good job with customer retention.
Sure, but do you agree that some lost customers has nothing to do with you? Let's be objective. Some people die, move away, or have a change in lifestyle.
Ok, when you put it that way, yes.
So despite, you losing some customers, your business is flat, which means new customers have filled that void.
Right, so our marketing is working for us.
Maybe. But answer another question for me. Did you take a price increase on your products due to inflationary demands?
Yes. I have to protect my margins. So each year, we increase prices between 2 and 3 per cent.
Ok. So to be clear, you've raised prices about 2-3%. Some customers are no longer with you. But your sales are about the same as last year.
Are you saying my sales are down? My accountant doesn't say that.
Sales are flat. But a bigger indication that business is in trouble is customer count. Accountants usually don't track that number. Your average check is a bit higher, giving a smoke screen that your business may have lost market share this year. Which means you're actually losing customers.
That's not good. I want to get customers. So back to my question, how to grow my business?
It starts with the internal first. I've heard you say that you're doing a good job keeping customers. So keep doing that. However, do you remember how you met your wife?
I met her at my first job. We were friends for 2 years before we went on our first date.
So what attracted you to her?
She was beautiful. She had long curly hair, with an air of confidence.
So physically... But after being friends for two years, did you just go to her and say, "Hey we've known each other for 2 years, we should get married to lower our combined living expenses"?
Are you nuts? No after two years, I fell completely in love with her. She was funny. I watched her take care of her mom. She loved camping, swimming and going to movies. We watched sunsets and interpreted cloud formations.
Then you asked her to marry you?
No. Then we went on our first date.
And how long did you date?
Two more years.
So you knew this woman for 4 years before she married you?
Yes, but I knew I wanted to marry her the first day I met her.
You worked slow.
I didn't want to scare her off.
Right, so let me explain where I'm going with this. This woman was really important to you. You handled the relationship delicately. There are nine ways we become attracted to another person.
1. Beauty
2. Persistence
3. Make us feel great
4. Dangerous
5. Natural, simple
6. Flirting
7. Charming
8. Charisma, great with words
9. Be a star
You started your attraction to her based on beauty, but complimented the attraction with natural and how she made you feel.
What's that got to do with my business?
Well, if we talk to your wife, to find out why she married you, I bet she'll have a different reason why she was attracted to you. And once we know those qualities, we can use those same qualities to promote your business.
I'm not looking to getting married again.
Physically, no. But metaphorically, you're looking to find customers who will be seduced by your business. I'm willing to bet your business is just like you. Once you understand what gets customers excited about you, then you go find more customers just like them.
Not all customers will like us.
Exactly. Just like not all women wanted to be with you. But does it matter?
No. I love my wife. She's everything to me. A wonderful mom. A caring wife. A listening ear. She's my best friend.
Now imagine if you could say the same thing about your customers. Do you think, business would grow or stay flat?
Are you saying not all customers are the right customers?
That's exactly what I'm saying. As business owners, we chase the customer because they have the money. But we're using the wrong strategy. We need to communicate who we are so the customer falls in love with us. And when they do, their money follows.
But not all customers will like us, just like not all girls liked me.
Now you get it. You don't need all customers to love you. Your operation couldn't handle it all anyways.
So what do we need to do to get new customers?
Do you need new customers in the next 9 months to stay in business?
I don't think so. But I do want new customers so we stop this decline you brought up.
I get it. But just like your wife, this is going to take time. The communication is going to take time to seduce the customer. In my experience it takes about 9 months.
What if I want it faster?
What would've happened if you would've moved extremely fast on that 20 year old girl who became your wife or for any 20 year old girl for that matter?
I may have scared her away or may have attracted the wrong women.
See. It relates exactly the same way to to business.
I get it. So after 9 months. I'll see 3-4% increases in sales?
If you grow 5%, will you be happy?
If you grow 10%, how would you feel?
I'd kiss you. But I don't believe you.
Your wife might get jealous. Let's say this. I'm not promising you 10%. You're a good guy. You have a good business. Your strategy is non existent. With a strategy that effectively communicates and seduces, your business will grow. I would expect that in three years, your business will be much bigger than it is today. You've told me your business is in decline. Any growth would be welcomed. And I think 2-3% increases in sales is a joke. If I only get you 2-3%, you should fire me immediately.
What are you going to do?
Does that matter?
Not really.
So if you're ready, let's get to work.
I'm ready. How much is this going to cost me?
You haven't learned yet. I'm not chasing your money. I need to see if we are compatible. I'm going to get you to do some homework before I charge you anything further.
But I want to get started.
Trust me. This is an important step in my process of customer acquisition.
Are you seducing me?
Haha. You're smart. I like you.
Send me the homework. I'll get it to you in the next few days.
Rick Nicholson is a Wizard of Ads partner. You can reach him at to discuss development of your marketing strategy.
Rick Nicholson is a Wizard of Ads partner. You can reach him at to discuss development of your marketing strategy.