Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Time is like a race.

You treat Time like it's a race.
You live and then you die.
And while you live, you try to survive.
And while you survive, you try to strive.
And while you try to strive, you try to thrive.
And while you try to thrive, you're wishing to die.
Death comes to you when no one is looking.
And the race against Time becomes the race
to nowhere...

I am out of time.
I don't have enough time.
If I only had more time.
Time cannot be owned.
It is a figment of our imagination.
We invented Time to give life context.

The porcupine does not have a clock.
The squirrel does not invest for retirement.
The shark does not need an alarm to get ready for his day.

Humans treat Time like it's linear.
It's 2017, in 365 Earth rotations, it will be 2018.
Time is not linear. It's cyclical.
Just like a NASCAR race.

Oh Look! Another left turn.
Four turns and you're back to where we started.
Four turns takes a lifetime.
Four turns and you're dead.
While you pass the baton to the next driver.

It's been proven by generational theorists that it takes 4 generations to return to the same position as their great grandparents.
A generation is considered to be about 20 years.
Average life expectancy for humans is a bit more than 80 years.
4 turns, 4 generations, 1 life.

You race your life living for tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.
But Tomorrow does not exist.
In 24 hours, Tomorrow will be Today.
And Tomorrow will always be 24 hours a way.
Around the next turn.
Never to be seen, but wished upon continuously.
There's only Today.

You have one life.
You have no Tomorrows.
Only Today.

So while you race your life around the track, what turn are you in?
You only have 4.
Don't wish for the next turn, it could be your home stretch.
Once you cross the finish line, there's no do-over.

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