Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Time is not on your side

You wake up one day and there's this vibration.

It seems like you're shaking. But it's really an energy of excitement.

You want to work for yourself.
You don't know where to begin.
You're not even sure what it means.
Some tell you it's risky and you should stay in the job you hate.
Others tell you it's crazy and if you are up to the challenge, anything can be accomplished.

You're about to find out there are three types of people in your life.
1. He, who is afraid of his own shadow and doesn't want you to get hurt.
2. He, who is afraid that you'll be successful and prove him wrong in being afraid.
3. He, who knows the risk and guides you through the process hoping the best for you.

Most pay too much attention to the first two advisors. While listening to these people, a little voice whispers in your ear triggering the fear of failure gene we all have.

And thus, you stall your decision. You wait for a better time. Only to find out someone comes along and steals your "idea".

I spoke to a friend this morning about her entrepreneurial aspirations. I gave her my thoughts on how she could fulfill her goal while limiting her risk. I liked it so much I told her to let me know if she doesn't proceed. I might open this business for me. It was a "no-brainer" in my eyes.

The thing we all lack is time.
The vibration goes away if we don't act.
The energy gets thwarted to new thoughts.
New thoughts push aside opportunities.

As time moves on, you get older.
The older you get, the less risk you want in your lives.
The less energy you have.

All odds are against you to succeed.
Friends, time, ideas, and energy.

If you don't stand up today and make a decision on this vibration, you could regret it for the rest of your life.

I believe regret is the only shame in life.

With what little time you have left, you have a choice.
Live it to the fullest or live it safe.

There's no such thing as safe.


So live it to the fullest...

Monday, May 8, 2017

We don't need no "education".

Many children will graduate from high school being told that the secret to success is an education.
It took me seven years and $70,000 to get two degrees from two different universities. 

According to Wikipedia, there are two definitions for education.

1. the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.
2. an enlightening experience.

There is too much focus on the first and not enough on the second. If you pursue the second, you know how valuable your life experiences have been. If you pursue the first, you learn from books and institutionalized professors who may be three times removed from the real world.

Before I upset all of the literati, it is important to ask why post graduates go to post secondary institutions.

I believe they get more schooling so they can acquire skills that help them get employment in their chosen field. A reasonable amount of time spent at centres for higher learning must "educate" students in the working tools of their profession.

I remember why I went to school. I didn't want to end up working in a fish plant like my parents.
I remember watching my "uneducated" friends get jobs, buy cars and clothes while I chose to remain poor, work part time, so I could become educated.

I went to school for a certificate.
I went to school so I could better market myself against the "uneducated".
I learned more in 6 months in my first job than I had learned in my first four years at university.

It wasn't school that educated me. It was life.
School was my marketing tool to get that first office job.

In a world where everyone has a degree, the thing that separates a post secondary graduate from the pack is their life experiences.

Every job requires a new set of skills most applicants do not have at the hiring date. They learn the job. They figure out the cheats. They ask a lot of questions. 

The three things that propelled me through every new job were:

1. Work ethic
2. Ability to pick up the phone
3. Willingness to learn

Life is a series of events (or experiences).

What are yours?

PS. The other problem with post secondary education is that we ask an 18 year old kid to DECIDE what they want to study so they can CHOOSE a career path. 

I believe most are not qualified at that age. Yet we force them to waste time and money to learn what they don't want to do.

Maybe the famous philosopher, Pink Floyd, was right, "We don't need no education", at least for some of us with Wikipedia's first definition.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Anyone could but no one will...

Please allow me to brag today.
I apologize in advance.
I want to make a point.
So I'll use my own experience to prove it.

Some call it bragging.
I prefer to chalk it to experience.

In 2005, I lost my job. My boss's boss called it a restructuring. I called it cowardly.

It's funny what happens to cowards. Eventually, they get what they deserve.

I wasn't the first to be restructured, nor the last.
The company is in pain today.
The owner is gone.
The execs have all been removed.
And with it, they've lost almost 20 franchises along the way.
No new growth.
Just restructuring the restructuring every few years.

When I lost my job, I didn't know what to do.
I had a mortgage, a car loan and line of credit.
Aline and I were in the final stages of international adoption.
With no savings, and no income, times looked bad.

We discussed putting the adoption on hold because we were worried we wouldn't get the $25,000 bank loan required to complete the adoption.
I thought about going back to work for another corporation.

But there was this taste of dissatisfaction in my mouth.
The corporate world had lied to me.
They told me to work hard, get a good education, innovate and I'd always have a job.

I decided that along with the addition of a baby, I was going to start a business.
Having worked for a restaurant franchisor, the logical step seemed to be in that area.

As we looked around, there were three restaurant franchises that attracted us in our hometown: coffee, sandwich and breakfast concepts.

The coffee business was monopolized by one franchisee and they weren't accepting any new franchisees in our market.
The sandwich business was monopolized by a few franchisees and were also not accepting any new franchisees in the market.
The breakfast business had one location in the market. There were 8 locations spread out in the same region my previous employer had operated 90 pizza franchises.

We chose the breakfast business. It seemed clear there was potential in breakfast.

Anyone could have done this.
We didn't have any money.
We didn't have an income.

The breakfast franchise's location in our town was busting at the seams. Every weekend, people were lined up outside like an amusement park attraction. The franchisee was an absentee owner but the staff were dedicated to providing a decent service. Every time we went, the demand was off the charts.

With experience in the franchise game, we figured it would be easier to buy out the current owner than build a new location. Through a long process, we couldn't put the deal together. So then, we proposed another idea.

"How about building a second location?". We thought the ability to alleviate the pressure of the current restaurant along with a new location and fresh management might be a good idea.

The franchise accepted our offer along with the money we scrounged together.

It took 22 months from the time I lost my job to the time we opened the doors to the new breakfast franchise.

Anyone could have done this.
22 months of pain, insecurity, mortgage payments, uncertainty, fear, no salary.
In those 22 months of waiting, we also brought two babies into our home.

It took 22 months because we went into a new construction. And construction got delayed.
When we opened, the sales weren't as expected.
We opened at the worst time of year: December.
By 8 months in, having hit summer, we were also busting at the seams on the weekends.

In 2007, there were two breakfast franchises in the market. Same brand. Same food.

Anyone could have bought a third location in the market.
There was room for more.
The third location was an obvious choice next to retailing superhero, Costco.
The third location was my first choice, but we couldn't secure leased space.
We waited for retail development to catch up to our vision.
And when it did, we built the third restaurant.

No one jumped at the third location.
Any one could have.
No one believed the market could hold another one.
Except me and the franchisor.
Even the banks didn't believe the market could sustain another one.

24 months later, I found a bank and the money required to build another franchise.
And overnight, it became the busiest of the three franchises in the market.

Anyone could've built the second restaurant.
Anyone could've built the third one.
But no one did.
There was nothing special about me, except a vision, an inability to accept no for an answer and raw determination.

I didn't have any money.
My parents did not invest in my business.
I didn't even have a job.
Plus we went $50,000 in debt to adopt two kids internationally.

Anyone could've done this,
But they didn't.
Instead, I hear that I was lucky.
That I was a visionary.
That it was a no brainer.

People are right when they say it was a no brainer.
But no one else did it.

I argued 8 years ago there was still room for another breakfast restaurant in my town, but the franchisor didn't want to cannibalize any more sales. They went from $1.1 million in annual sales in 2005 to well over $3.4 million.

If I had owned all three locations, I would have built a fourth one.
But the absentee owner felt a third location would kill his business.
The other two did, so he was probably right.

We sold our restaurants in 2013. Having had a major disagreement with the franchisor and the absentee owner, we felt it was in everybody's best interest to move on.

Recently, I ate at the busiest of the three locations.

Here is what I observed:
The food is still awesome.
The customers still flock to it.
The staff have changed greatly.
Most importantly, I noticed the new leadership.
It reminded me of 2005 when I sat at the absentee owner's franchise.

Customers who lined up, got frustrated and walked out without being served or even noticed.
Customers had to wait, even though there were clean, empty tables.
Dirty tables remained uncleaned the entire 45 minutes I was there.
Staff didn't seem to have the same sense of urgency that I remember.

I'm sure sales are strong.
I'm told shareholders are happy with their return on investment.
I informed the service supervisor what I saw and then realized that I was being too critical.
It wasn't her business, nor was it mine.
She suggested next time that I turn my back to the action so I could enjoy my meal.

Ha! Next time, I will be there to observe again.
For next time, I may be on a fact finding mission.
Because this time, I saw an opportunity.
Just like I did in 2005.

There is still room for more breakfast restaurants in my town.
But I don't think anyone will do it.
Until I decide to do it again.
And I may just do it.

Because I can.

So when you're thinking about opening a business, worry less about what people might do and worry more about what you will do.

I was told about a lady who wanted to open a poutine restaurant. She got discouraged because someone else beat her to it.

There's always room for more.
One idea, if there is demand, will not be limited by one offering.
The market will sort out who's the best and reward them accordingly.

Don't let challenges stop you.
You cannot have what you want if you aren't willing to push through adversity.
It's God's way of asking you if you're serious about what you want.

Monday, May 1, 2017

You can run but you cannot hide anymore...

You sit down.
And then you're asked to move.
To accommodate other passengers.

Somebody thinks you're not as important.
Somebody thinks you'll go away.
You will place your tail between your legs and listen.
Force will be on you if you don't.

Cell phones capture the video.
And the world reacts negatively toward the injustice.

Interestingly enough, this wasn't the first time something like this has happened.
It's the first time, we saw it on Facebook.
It's the first time, it went viral on Youtube.

Injustices happen everyday.
Toward different races.
Toward different classes.
Toward different genders.

Cell phones have made these injustices more visible.
Social media have allowed them to be shared quickly.
And the world thinks that this is the first time?

When it has happened many times before.
It happened to a tired woman in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955.
They threw her in jail.
And the world finally woke up to the inequalities of race.

It happened in 1991 to a man who was in a high speed chase with police.
They beat the snot out of him.
Someone filmed the beating.
And the world realized that civil rights was still a problem.

It happened in 2017 at a McDonalds in Moncton, NB.
A special needs teenager bumped into a Meathead fresh from his special juice bar.
The Meathead traumatized the kid with his size and menacing arms.
The kid cried.
The mother was speechless.
Everyone watched and no one thought to take a video with their pocket cameras.
The Meathead ordered his meal without reprieve.
The kid will have nightmares of this monster for the rest of his life.

And no one did anything about the injustice for fear of their own safety.
Not even a single cell phone video.
My kids saw it happen and they were afraid of what the Juice head was going to do.
I'm glad I wasn't there that day, but I secretly wish I would have been to take a video of it
My heart hurts for that kid.

Somebody thinks you're not as important.
Somebody thinks you're going to go away.
You're going to put your tail between your legs and listen.
Force will be on you if you don't.

When we see injustice, it is our job to capture the video.
The tyrants, whether they be law enforcement, bus drivers, bullies, meatheads or corporations need to learn the world is now watching them and holding them accountable for their injustices.

The beasts of our society should not be allowed to hide in obscurity when they treat others in an inexcusable manner.

Our voice may be lost.
Our courage may be squandered.
But our phones can record.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

The 5 second rule...

You have 5 seconds.
What will you do?

5 seconds to make a decision.
Will you stay or will you go.
Jump or not.
Laugh or cry.
Get active or stay still.

You have 5 seconds.
No time to think.
No time to worry.
No time to analyze.
No time to wonder.

You have 5 seconds.
Are you going to try,
Are you going to avoid,
Will you speak up,
Will you shut up.

You have 5 seconds.

Your life is built on a mountain of decisions you make every single day.
The lack of making a decision is exactly the same thing as making a decision.
It's a choice.
You made it in 5 seconds.

And then wonder,
What may have been.

If your child was in a burning building, would you analyze the situation or would you run into the building willing to die in order to try to save your baby?
Your decision would be made in less than 5 seconds.
Forget fear,
Forget worry,
You would do it.
And wouldn't think about it.

The rational person says regret is a larger devil than death.
The rational person argues that instinct takes over.
The rational person contributes the decision process is analyzed at lightning speed.

The rational person is not wrong.
But they are also full of shit.

Rookie skydivers are told they will jump on the count of three. They get pushed out of the plane at the 2 count. Instructors know there's a good chance the jumper is going to second guess the decision and grab for the side of the door somewhere between the count of 2 and 3. So they push the jumper out at 2.

Second guessing, analysis, worry, and fear is the greatest foe of action.

In most cases you don't have five seconds.
Most of us will never jump out of an airplane.
Nor will we have to save our babies from burning buildings.

If we put an urgency to everything we thought about or wanted to do with a 5 second mentality, could we create amazing results for ourselves.

Say yes to that crazy project and then figure out how you're going to do later.
Wake up at 5:30 am. Countdown from 5 and jump out of bed to get the exercise done.
Worried about that phone call you need to make? Pick up the phone and call the person without worrying any more about it.

You have 5 seconds.
What will you do?

If every decision you had to make was made with 5 second precision, what would you accomplish in one day?
What could you get done in one week or a year?

The hardest step in doing anything is the first one.
The second hardest step is the second one.
It gets easier with every step.

The whole concept comes from a book called "The 5 second rule" that my friend Michel recommended.

I've used the idea three times today with varying results.
But there's no more guesswork.
Things get done.

As my daughter used to say, "Maybes are for babies. Make a decision. And make one now."

5 seconds...

Friday, April 28, 2017

Walking through a wooded path

I'm in the woods.
The trees whisper to me.
The birds giggle with excitement as they wake.
The leaves dance with joy as their friend, wind, pushes them toward the tree branches.

I'm oblivious.
I have mine own problems.

I'm in the woods.
Working on a problem.

I don't see the magic.
I can't witness the beauty.
Until I reflect after it is over.
Is it ever too late?

I'm in the woods.
The trees don't talk to me,
I don't listen.
The birds giggle, not letting me in their jokes.
I don't laugh with them.
The leaves pirouette around not asking me to join them
I don't dance so they leave me out of their fun.

The wind caresses my face.
It takes away my breath.
I curse, or turn away not wanting to be touched.

I'm oblivious.
I have mine own problems.

The trees, birds, leaves and wind play while they watch me work.
They do not worry for us,
fore they know eventually we will join them
In life or death we will whisper, giggle, dance and play.

The question is WHEN?

Thursday, April 27, 2017

A letter to Donald

Dear Donald,

I've heard you're the leader of the free world.
People say you're stupid.
Some say your politics are questionable.
Others think you don't deserve to be president.
They worry you're going to bully your way through the other super bullies.

I don't listen to most people.
Ask my parents.

I'm a non-conformist.
In a world of conformity, I stick out like a razor blade in a room of balloons.

I think you're really smart.
The posers focus on your failures not understanding that failure is part of the formula to success.
The liberals focus on your inability to be prepared when they don't realize that the time for talking is over. It's time to get shit done.

I don't think anyone can have success without identifying really smart people to do the super important jobs. Business is run by book smart people and owned by entrepreneurs.

You're an entrepreneur. But you've also been a leader for a long time.

We need you to be a leader.
I don't like the way you do things, but I will give you credit for creating a great brand in "Trump".

But you're also an ass.
And that's what people have paid attention to.

Use your leadership skills to bring the world to a better place.
You don't need to be bully.
You don't have to be a jerk.
Just get it done.
The time for anger is over.
The time for hatred is in the past.

Leadership is the ability to listen and then execute a clearly developed plan based on that listening.

I'm concerned about your plan.
Your inability to plan for a press conference has me worried that you're not thinking this world game of RISK out.

You have the power to bring the world to extinction.
You can go down as the worst leader ever.

It's your move.
Take care of my kids' future like you will your own.

I am depending on you.
And so is everyone else.