Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Workplace bullies, coincidences and the teacher is now the student

Oh my, how are you doing? I haven't seen you in such a long time.
I'm doing great. Business is great. Life is awesome. Family is amazing.

It's crazy. I never come here, primarily because I know too many people who come here. Normally I hang out at coffeeshops to get work done. With too many familiar faces, I can't get work done here. But I'm glad I ran into you today.
I don't believe in coincidences. For some mysterious reason, people and opportunity shows up at the right time.

I believe in that too. Not sure why we met, but I'm sure there's a reason I don't comprehend yet.
When's your book coming out?

Ugh, what?
When are you writing your book?

Umm, I've already written one. It was more of e-book to help others deal with the challenges of theft.
Oh. When's the next book coming out?

You're the second person to ask me that in the past week.
See. No coincidences.

Right, well... I've been writing for a couple of years now and posting on a blog.
Really, where is the blog.

You haven't read them?
No. Are you sharing the blogs on other platforms?

Yes, I post them to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Oh, then I'll go check them out. Why do you blog?

I started writing because I wanted to share my knowledge with the rest of the world. But the more I wrote, the more empty I felt. I felt I was looking for approval.
And what happened next?

I stopped writing for a bit. Then I started writing for me. I didn't write to teach. I wrote to learn.
So the teacher became the student.

Yes. And now I don't care if anyone gets anything out of my writing, as long as I'm learning from them.
So you're thinking more?

Yes. And my blogs are getting more readers.
So the more real you get, the more others enjoy your thoughts.

Maybe so. But I'm trying to be careful with that. I'm reading a book called, "Ego is the Enemy". And I'm seeing things in me that I don't like.
My Ego is My Enemy.

As it is mine. It's funny how things happen. I'm going to tell you a personal story. Have you ever heard the saying, if you fail to learn the lesson, the story will repeat?
Yes of course.

Well, I'm dealing with a difficult person in my business.
Employee or someone else?

It's actually a supplier. But I've seen the exact same personality on no less than four other times in my life. Four different people yet exactly all the same.
So why do they keep coming into your life?

I think it's because I haven't learned the lesson yet.
That's an excellent perspective. Tell me about the most recent personality.

He's a guy that is extremely competitive. I am too. But when I try to win, I don't try to do it at your expense.
Isn't that what competition is?

It can be. And for my latest challenge, I believe my opponent thinks that way. For him to win, someone must lose. Yet, I believe I can win and you can too.
That seems to be anticompetitive.

Let me explain. I think the race of life isn't a race. It's a journey. As I'm setting my goals for the stars, I may end up on the moon and still be very happy with the result, without negatively affecting anyone else's intentions, or dreams.
Ok. I buy that.

However, if you believe in win-lose scenario, you're going to drain the fuel in my rocket ship and I won't get off the ground.
So you're worried that your competitor will hurt your aspirations of goal achievement.

No. I don't like people who work that way. So when I see them, I get frustrated, emotional and the interactions always ends poorly.
Is the problem you or your nemesis?

It's me. Clearly. Funny enough, I call the negative personality a bully.
Ok. And how do you deal with a bully?

Well, I've been taught to stand up to them.
How has that worked out for you?

Terribly. My last bully and I used to get into heated debates every week. I would usually back down in front of him, but would always leave unfulfilled, frustrated, mad and anxious.
And how did you get rid of him?

I left the business. But on the last day I was there, I learned a little trick.
A trick?

Yeah, the bully was up to his usual control tactics. He placed an ultimatum that would affect me financially. And for the first time in our relationship, I didn't fight back. I didn't respond with hatred. I looked at him in the eyes and told him that it did not matter. If I was robbed of what I was owed, I would accept it.
And how did he react?

He walked away. And I kept on doing what I could to help in the transition.
And the result?

I got exactly what I wanted on the day I wanted it. No delays, no financial loss.
So by letting go of what you were worried about, you got what you wanted?

See what I mean. The teacher is becoming the student.
Keep learning. You have a new bully who is pulling the same crap the old bullies did. You know what to do.

You've given me great insight. Thank you so much, but I have to go. I'm late for a meeting.
Good luck in dealing with your Ego. You're right, the ego is the enemy.

And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Right. Who do you think is the enemy of your ego?

You might be right. Good luck.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

BMW's, dandelions and the 100 metre dash

Can I ask you a couple of questions?
I'm just finishing up my tea, but I have a few minutes.

How do you find success?
I'm not sure I understand your question. Aren't you successful?

I think I am, but then I see others around me, I start to think I'm not.
That's your problem. You are comparing success to others and that's not fair.

I'm trying to grow my business. It's growing, but sometimes I feel it's going too slow. I see a competitor driving a brand new BMW and I think to myself that I wish I could drive one too.
It's ok to wish to have a BMW, but it's not ok to compare. 

Why not?
Does the dandelion compare itself to the maple tree?

So you're saying I'm a dandelion.
No. Not all. But is it fair to compare the two?

Of course not. 

Because the dandelion grows anywhere, grows fast and then dies. The maple tree takes years to develop and as long as the conditions are good, continues to grow and then yields yummy syrup.
Right. So they live for different reasons.

Yes. And they provide a different need.
Exactly. You assume your competitor is doing well because he drives a nice car. Is that a fair assumption?

He wouldn't have gotten the car if he couldn't pay for it.
You're making assumptions. How much debt does he have?

I don't know.
Did someone give him the car? 

I don't know.
Is he killing the cashflow in his business to make it look like he's successful?

I don't know.
Did he receive an inheritance from a family member and used the funds to buy a nice car?

I don't know.
Does he cry himself to sleep every night because his wife is about to leave him.?

I don't know.
See. You assume that his business and his life are great because he drives a nice car.  You don't have enough information. Yet you compare his business to yours because you don't drive a nice car.

You're right, but I want a nicer car.
And you've decided you can't afford it?

So are you successful?

Not as much as I want to be. 
That's ok. But the maple tree cannot yield a return on maple syrup until it reaches a certain age.

And the dandelion grows fast and dies fast.

So my competitor might be a dandelion?
And you might be a maple tree. But don't worry about what other people are doing. Continue to do the things that has given you success.

Slow and steady wins the race.
Not if you're running the 100 metre dash. Sometimes fast and explosive wins. It all depends on the race you think you're running.

Do you realize the race you are running has no one running against you?

Yes I do. I lose potential clients all the time to my competitors.
Of course. But back to my dandelion example. Does the dandelion feel like the maple tree is taking away the nutrients of the land?

Ouff. I have no idea. 
The dandelion grows where it can. Nutrients are everywhere, and the maple tree can't have them all because there is more than enough to go around for everyone.

So I'm a dandelion?
I never said that. You cannot win the race of your business.

Why not?
Because no one is running against you.

But what about "First in wins"?
That applies to new industries or new products. Your industry is mature. You don't need to worry about it.

But they ARE taking my potential clients.
Change you're perspective. 

They aren't taking your potential clients. They close their potential clients. You have done nothing to call those clients potential. You believe your clients is a non-renewable resource. 

They are not?
New clients are coming into the market everyday. People die everyday and others are born. Clients are renewable just like the nutrients in the ground.

So what do I need to do to move my business forward?
Define your goals. Identify the actions you need to do to achieve your goals. And complete the actions. Measure and monitor how you're doing. Rinse and Repeat.

Just like shampoo.
Uh, huh. Do you compare how people shampoo their hair?

So forget what others are doing. You do it the way you know how.  Keep moving your goals, actions and dreams forward. And then learn how to do it better.

So how do I set my goals?
Look at whatever you want improvement. Identify where you want it to be. But the goal needs to be SMART.

It will be.
Smart is an acronym which means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.

Oh. I still want a BMW.
Then set your goals to achieve it. That sounds like a SMART goal, if you put a timeline on it

Wow. I will. Thanks for your time.
No problem. Good luck.

Rick Nicholson is a multi unit business owner and partner at Wizard of Ads in Austin, Texas. He looks at marketing from the perspective of customer bonding, corporate beliefs and increasing sales. He only works with a select few customers who believe in the same things he believes in. If you want to grow your business and would like to know how he can help you, you can reach him at

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Diamonds, emotions, and a no bullshit approach to kicking ass

Thank you for meeting with me. I need some advice.
It's my pleasure. What's your problem?

I'm trying to find my distinctive voice.
Oh? You're looking which means you don't currently have it?

I am different but when I try to explain my business proposition, I end up sounding like everyone else.
So you sound like everyone else because you are selling the same things as your competitors.

Yes. And my uniqueness is me.
Says all of your competitors...

Exactly. So in trying to find my distinctive voice, my marketing sounds familiar and doesn't get as much attention as I'd like it to get.
Let me ask you a few questions: Do you have a brand?

Well of course, I have a beautiful logo and a wonderful name. The colours of my logo are my favourite colours. Don't you see, I wear the brand everyday by always wearing canary yellow?

That's not brand. That's more of a style guide.
But my graphic artist told me...

Your graphic artist is wrong. If I had to ask you what is the definition of a brand, what would you say?
Well, it's... umm... it's the culmination of the visual identity of a corporation.

You're going in circles. Let me simplify it for you. Are you a brand? Or better yet, am I a brand?
You for sure. Me, I don't think so

What if I told you that you are in fact a brand?
You'd have to convince me. I don't see it.

Alright. The best definition I've seen about a brand is by Karen Post. She said a brand is a story embedded in the mind of the market in her book Brain Tattoos.
A story?

Yes, a story. And what is it about stories that make them memorable.
The way they make us feel?

Exactly. For a story to be good, it needs to evoke an emotional response...anger, sadness, happiness, and so forth. Emotion is the key to a good brand.
My brand needs to emit emotion.

Yes. A brand with no story emits no emotion. It will be a weak, unmemorable brand.
Brands, emotions. Got it

And deeper yet, you need to promote a story that creates the emotion for the customer.
You asked me earlier, and I don't know the answer. Am I a brand?

Before I answer, let me see if you can answer it for yourself. Have you ever done anything stupid in your childhood that old friends bring up when you see them 20 years later?
Umm, yeah. It happened to me last week at our high school reunion. But that's nostalgia.

It's much more than nostalgia. It's a story embedded in the mind of the market. And each time your target, ie old friends, think about the story, they see you as that dumb kid, not the successful entrepreneur you are today.
Oh my god. So how do I harness the power of stories to build a successful brand?

We've been talking about stories and emotions. Let's deconstruct one other element in the story.
The ending.

No. The character.
Now I feel I'm going in circles. I am the character. My company is me. How would you deconstruct the character.

It's called the brand diamond.
A diamond?

For a character to be interesting, it has to have at least 4 points of equal yet opposing forces.
You've lost me.

Think about Tony Soprano in the show of the same name. Do you know what makes the character so appealing?
He's a mob boss.

That's only one point of the diamond. What else is he?
A cheating husband... A father.... A friend....

He's also seeing a psychologist about his panic attacks. He's a loving father who doesn't think twice about killing friends who betray him.

The key to Tony Soprano's character is his flaw or his vulnerability.
His weakness is the key to the character strength?

Exactly. The weakness is what rounds out a good character. It makes everything believable. And if we bring it back to business. Do you know what most businesses won't do in their marketing?
They don't talk about their weaknesses.

You've got it. So what's your character's weakness?
Well, the character is me, and my weakness is I don't know how to say no.

Oh c'mon. You were doing so good. I don't believe you anymore. That's like saying your weakness is that you have too many strengths.
No seriously. I always get myself into trouble by saying yes too often.

Wrong. If I was a prospective customer, I'm gone with the marketing dollars it took to reach me.
If that's not my weakness, what is?

I don't know. But let's play a little game to see if we can find out what it is.
Did anyone ever tell you that you're unconventional if not a bit weird?

All the time. So here's the game. Do you like movies?
Love 'em.

Perfect. Name three of your favourite movies of all time.
Easy, peezie, mac and cheesy. Erin Brockovich, Pretty Woman and Hunger Games.

Oh wow. Three movies with strong female leads.
Yes, I love those type of movies.

What is the common weakness of all three characters?
Umm. They all kick ass.

The vulnerability of all three characters is they have big mouths. They say things without filter because that's who they are. I know most women don't like Star Wars.
I loved Star Wars.

I figured as much. And I'm willing to bet your favourite character in the original trilogy is Princess Leia.
Kapow...Mind blown.

Is it possible that at your core, you have no filter and some would say you have a big mouth as you stand up for perceived injustices?
How did you know?

We tend to have heroes who display the same characteristics we have or want to have. Our everyday heroes show up in movies, television and books. Your heroes are really just a reflection of who you think you are.
Kapow. Mind blown again... This is amazing.

So if your weakness is that you have no filter, start using it to your advantage. It will attract customers to you. Plus as an added benefit, you no longer have to pretend to be something you're not.
I'm scared...

Yes, you should be. But you'll also be authentic for the first time in your business life. And customers love authenticity. Plus as an added benefit, your strength will be about helping others through your no bullshit approach.

I'm not ready for the negative backlash.
Wait a minute. Do you not have friends?

Yes, extremely close ones.
And don't they love you because of your no straight shooter approach to life.

They love you for the same reasons you love Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovich or Catniss Everdeen in Hunger Games.  Stop worrying about the negative side. You're the poster child of bravado. When you start to communicate it by evoking an emotion, the market will knock down your door.

And that's my distinctive voice?

Did I tell you that you are nuts?
No. But I wouldn't expect anything less from you.

Rick Nicholson is a multi unit business owner and partner at Wizard of Ads in Austin, Texas. He looks at marketing from the perspective of customer bonding, corporate beliefs and increasing sales. He only works with a select few customers who believe in the same things he believes in. If you want to grow your business and would like to know how he can help you, you can reach him at 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The sweaty race of life

You're running. Running to nowhere. Running to everywhere.
Hot. Heavy, humid. A bead of sweat rolls down the middle of your back, running away from work.
Little bead of sweat doesn't know the faster it goes, the less gets done.
The heat piles up. The work not done.
No one is looking. No one cares. No one asks.
You continue to worry about getting work done, working yourself toward madness.
You're mad. I'm mad. We're all mad, to get things done. Yet everything gets done; in its own time.
Why work in this heat. What about play?
It's hot. Work is heavy. and humid.
The rolling of time takes its toll on the master.
But the work must get done.
Faster, faster, faster.
The work must get done.
Until there is no more work to do.
The work must get done.
Until there is no more time.
No one is watching.
The work must get done.
Never ending...
Until the little bead stops and realizes.
The more it runs, the less it is.
Until it is gone.
Evaporated away.
And time ends as the bead transforms and another takes its place.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Bonding, friendships and kneeling for what you believe in

I heard you were a marketer.
Aren't we all?

No, I don't think so. I have a people in my organization responsible for marketing. I wouldn't say I'm a marketer.
That's like saying you're not a person. Everyone in your company is doing marketing everyday, both internally and externally.

How do you figure my accountant would be a marketer?
Does your accountant pay your bills?

Yes, of course.
Does your accountant interact with other employees in the organization?

Yes we don't have a choice as a team.
Exactly. Have you ever had an accountant who had no people skills where everyone was afraid to walk into his office?

Um, yeah. We had an accountant who was really mean. He was an awesome in his craft but at the same time a miserable son of a bitch.
And what was the culture like while he was there?

My top managers wouldn't call him. They were afraid to be raked over the coals. And when we had a manager meeting, the tension was always thick when the accountant spoke.
And was that a good thing for your business?

Of course not. The team suffered and so did the organization. Luckily, he eventually left, making everyone's life easier.
During that time, your team wasn't totally comfortable with the internal culture. Their work may have even suffered a bit. You'll never know because you can't go backwards and remove that variable. But let me ask you this, "Is it possible you lost other great employees because of this person?"

I don't know... Maybe.
Fair enough. During these dark times, did your accountant have to talk to clients?

Oh no. We wouldn't let him do that.
Why not?

We didn't want to piss off the people who paid us?
So you shielded an accountant from your clients because he was a terrible representation of your business?

Did he call suppliers to discuss payment arrangements, resolve problems, and negotiate terms?

Did he work with your banker?
Of course.

So your suppliers and bankers aren't customers?
Um, not really.

Wait a minute. Think about this. Isn't a company really just a group of people moving in the same direction with a common goal?
I guess you could look at it that way.

And your suppliers have people working for them, who had to interact with your son of bitch accountant, whom your own "family" couldn't stand? When things went wrong, do you honestly think the people working for your suppliers didn't feel the same as your employees?
Ah shit. Almost certainly.

Right, And don't you think it was possible they told close relationships about the son of a bitch who worked at your company? Maybe even tarnished your reputation, I mean brand, in the market.
Ok, I get it. We'll all marketers in the organization.Let me ask you this, from one marketer to another. Have you seen the Nike commercial about Colin Kaepernick?

Is he the NFL player who has been blackballed by the league for kneeling during the national anthem?

Yes. And Nike produced a commercial revolving around him. Isn't that a bad marketing idea?
It always depends. In this case, he isn't a criminal. He just kneeled for something he believed in.

But in doing so, he upset a huge group of people.
Yes he did. Did he not also become a hero for a separate group?

Maybe. But we're in business to not offend.
Are you sure about that?

When we offend, like my old accountant, we lose potential future sales. You just said that.
No, I said we shouldn't be assholes. That's just wrong. However, standing up for something we believe in is not the same thing.

But my accountant believed in what he was doing.
Not the same thing. Your accountant did not believe in the same things your organization believed in. You told me yourself the culture during his reign of terror wasn't positive. Which means he was not like the rest of the group, which means he doesn't represent the organizational beliefs.

Yes, and Colin Kaepernick's beliefs are not the same as the NFL's.
Exactly and that's why he's not working. But it doesn't mean there aren't a lot of others who believe in this guy's actions. And it seems to me that Nike believes in the same things as he.

But people are burning their Nike shoes.
Yes they are. And others are exchanging their Pumas and Adidas for Nike because a shoe company tugged on their heart.

But the publicity is so negative.
When I see people on TV burning clothing, I laugh. They bought the damn stuff. It is portrayed as negative. But for every prognosticator, journalist and podcaster who talks about the commercial or the aftermath, Nike sells more shoes.

Are you sure about that?
First of all, Nike is standing up saying they have these same values as this black NFL player. Remember, their fortune was built on the backs of professional black athletes.

I think Nike believes in equality, but kneeling against the flag is so unpatriotic.
Some people think that. But he didn't burn the flag. He never said he hated his country. He said he wanted things to change. Isn't that what's great about a free country, to be able to think and speak one's mind?

Yes, but business doesn't care about these things. Business just wants to make money.
You haven't learned the lesson. Businesses are just a series of people with similar values moving in the same direction.

So it's ok to piss people off with your marketing efforts.
Yes, if it's something you believe in. Remember, we do business with those we trust. Some say we do business with our friends. The best way to make "friends" in a marketplace is to create a bond. Bonds are built on core values or beliefs. So until you communicate your beliefs you won't bond with the people who believe in the same things.

So Nike's commercial is good for business?
Yes it is. Let me ask you this, what does Adidas stand for?
I don't know, making great shoes, maybe.

Exactly, I don't know either. But because of this commercial hasn't Nike told the world what they stand for? People hate it. But people also LOVE it. It's called the law of polarity. 50 million people could throw out their shoes, but 100 million people will feel Nike understands them. The bond becomes real.

But the shoes I buy are about how they fit.
No it's not. It's about how they FEEL. And Nikes feel a little bit better now for those who are tired of the underlying racism issues. Nike gets a little bit more headspace for potential buyers. And the customers who are mad at Nike can buy other shoes. It's ok, because if the customer doesn't believe in what Nike believes, they should do that.

Whoa, Nike is going to lose customers.
And they will gain new ones. Nike will never have to compete solely on price. The relationship with the customer who cares about these issues will be stronger. Nike is one of those great brands on the planet, according to Steve Jobs.  They've shown up and demonstrated what great brands do. They take a stand for what they believe, despite what others think. And by the way, look at the youtube video and the amount of "thumbs up" versus "thumbs down". It's like 10 to 1 positive. Nike is moving people.

So good marketing is about standing up for things we believe in.
Now you're learning. I'm sorry, I have to get back to writing my next blog post. It's been nice talking to you.

Rick Nicholson is a multi unit business owner and partner at Wizard of Ads in Austin, Texas. He looks at marketing from the perspective of customer bonding, corporate beliefs and increasing sales. He only works with a select few customers who believe in the same things he believes in. If you want to grow your business and would like to know how he can help you, you can reach him at 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Planting flags, good marketing and your neighbour's car

Hey, do you remember me?
Of course. You were in my marketing class.

Yes. After listening to your presentation, I got to thinking.
That's good. It's usually the first step.

How do you tell the difference between good marketing and bad marketing?
That's easy, good marketing works.

How do you know which one will work?
The one that provides the greatest impact.

You're going in circles. I want to start marketing to my target audience and I don't know where to begin. I want to do good marketing, umm, marketing that works, but I don't know where to start.
Ok. You have to start with yourself.

Not sure I understand. I want to create awareness for my brand.
Are you sure? The last time I checked, awareness doesn't pay the bills.

Right, but the more people who are aware of my products pulls the law of percentages in my favour.
You're partially right. The law of percentages will drive some customer traffic to your location, whether online or offline. But it doesn't mean they buy. And if for some reason, they do buy, it really doesn't mean the customer buys AGAIN.

So you're saying awareness is a bad thing.
No not all. I'm just saying it's only one piece of the puzzle. Have you lived in your house for a long time?

Uh, what?
Have you lived in your house for more than 5 years?

Yes, I've been there for 7.
Ok. Do you know all your neighbours?

The ones immediately next door and across the road.
Ok, How about the neighbours 5 houses down? Do you know them?

No, not at all. I've seen them outside from time to time but I don't know their names.
Good. You've lived in your neighbourhood for 7 years. You don't know your neighbours 5 houses down. How many times have you driven by your unknown neighbours house?

Not sure where you're going with this, but I'd say I go by it at least twice a day.
I'm almost finished. You've driven by your neighbour's house at least 700 times in the past year?

Yeah, that's about right.
Do they have a garage or are the cars parked out front?

They're out front.
Perfect. Can you tell me the make and model of the cars they drive?

Ah. I think they drive a Volkswagen.
No. I want to know for sure.

I'm not 100% sure.
What do you mean? Assuming the cars are not always there when you drive by, you've probably been exposed to the car at least 500 times, and you can't remember the type of car your unknown neighbour drives?

Well, it's frankly not that important to me.
Exactly. That's the problem with awareness.

Huh. I know what his next door neighbour drives.
Do you know them?

Nope. He drives a silver Mercedes S-class.
I'm willing to bet you either own a Mercedes or you'd like to own one.

I love Mercedes. It's the car I wish I could own... So you're saying that awareness only works on those who are already interested in your product.
Now you're getting warmer.

Ok, so how do I create interest in my product?
You've asked the right question. But before I answer, I need to ask a few more questions.

I'm getting the sense you ask a lot of questions and go in circles.
Yes, a bit. Only because I know that if I give you the answer, you won't believe me. But if YOU give me the answer, you'll base all of your future strategies on it.

So I have the answer inside of me?
Yes. But I'm going to pull it out, so you can see if for yourself.

Alright. Bring on the questions.
What do you believe in as it relates to your business?

Well, I believe in honesty, integrity, good customer service, taking care of people...
Those are all good things to believe in. Do you think your competitors believe in the same things?

Some do. But most don't.
But do all of them say they believe in those things?

Well, it's good business to believe in those things, isn't it?
Of course. But here's the problem. None of your competitors would ever say they don't believe in honesty. You can never plant a flag on those type of "Values" because every one of your competitors have already planted their flags on those territories.

So I shouldn't plant a flag on honesty?
As a word, no. As a premise, of course you can.

What's the difference?
The word is cliche. Everyone believes they are honest. Yet honesty is a perception. What I believe is honesty can be dishonest to someone else.

I think a person is either honest or they are not.
Now you're getting somewhere. That tells me more about you than you believing in honesty.

I don't like dancing around. I call it as I see it. I don't want to hurt people's feelings but if I have to tell  'em something, I'll just say it. But at the same time, I won't try to sell them something I don't think they need. I've actually told customers that if they buy it and later feel they didn't need it, they can call me and I'll give them a credit over the phone. And they can keep the product, regardless.
There it is.

You won't sell anything you don't think the customer needs.

Yeah. So how is this good marketing?
It's deeper than the average marketing message. Its a promise that customers won't be sold something they won't need. In essence, it tells the receiver of your message that their needs come before yours.

Yeah, that's right.
Imagine, using a message like, "We believe in not selling things you don't need."

I don't believe in upselling.

Do you competitors upsell?
All the time, it's the main beef I hear from my regular customer. They switched their business to me because there were too many high pressure sales and sales attempts on marginal products.

And you don't upsell at all?
Only if I think they need the product to solve a problem.

Don't you see what I see?
Umm, no. It's just good business to give customers what they want. They don't want upselling, so that's what I do.

This is a strong belief that can be used to find more customers.
Is it that simple?

Yes, it is. Marketing that works has to use messaging your target audience cares about. The message isn't about you. It's about them. Start talking to them about things they care about and they will remember you.

This is amazing. You've given me a lot to think about.
Just remember the Mercedes. You pay attention to things that matter to you. Your potential customer is no different.

Awesome, talk to you later.
Have a great day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Beliefs, knuckleheads and looking for love in all the wrong places

Can I buy you a coffee?
No, thank you. I'm going to have a tea.

Ok, can I buy you a tea?
Sure can. How's business going?

It's going well. But it would be better if I could find good employees. People today don't want to work anymore.
Are you sure about that?

Yes. Every time we post a job ad, we get 15 resumes. Out of those, only 7 accept an interview. We try to interview all 7, but only 4 show up. Then out of those interviewed, we choose the best one.
And how does the chosen employee work out?

We're looking for his replacement within six months.
Sounds like you hired the wrong person.

Agreed, but we're scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Can I help you?

I'm going to have an Americano and a tea...
Green Tea please...

Uh ok, an Americano and a Green tea please.

What size?
Yes medium is fine...
Ok, make that two mediums please

So you're having problems finding good workers?
Yes, but I believe it's because no one wants to work anymore?

Be careful of your thoughts?
It's just the truth. We haven't had any luck at all.

Let's flip it around at you.

Are you a good worker?
That's not fair.

But it is. You consider yourself a good worker. If you were looking for work, wouldn't your boss be lucky to have you?
Yes, but...

There's no buts in this. You haven't found the right worker for your business, so you blame the market. You blame the people you hired. When in fact, you should blame your poor selection techniques, your poor marketing skills in acquiring new talent, or your gut instinct in detecting the right candidate.
So you're saying I'm the problem with hiring.


Medium Americano and Medium Green Tea
Thanks, can we continue this conversation.
Sure, I have a few minutes.

I disagree that I'm the problem, but for purposes of the conversation, let's say I agree.
Let's try to make this clearer for you.

Why is Westjet airlines successful?
The employees are owners.

Wow that was quick. Are you sure about that?
Yes, the employees act differently because they own stock in the company. They work together to make more money. It's actually pretty simple.

So if it's that simple, why don't all companies make employees shareholders?
Well it doesn't work easily for most companies. Westjet is a public company. They issue shares on the Stock Exchange. My company is privately held. I don't want...

Let me stop you. It has little to do with ownership. The employees are awesome because they were already awesome in some other job. Westjet found them through their recruitment process. They have a smart selection criteria in which they refuse to negotiate on organizational culture.

I still think it has to do with ownership.
Let me give you a simple example to squash that. Westjet's competitors also issue shares to employees, but it has little to no effect.  Attitude can not be trained. I can teach a lot of things, but I have never been able to teach someone to care. Westjet looks for people who ALREADY care.

Ok, ok. So it works for Westjet, but it can't work for me. My business cannot afford to pay more than $20 per hour.

Again, you think that compensation is based on the quality of the person you can find. It's not true. The best employee I ever hired was paid minimum wage. They stayed for 4 years.
Four years. Wow. I wish I could get them to stay for one year.

See, money has little effect on finding good people.
So let's say you're right. How do you find good people?

Start with yourself.

You said you were a good worker.
Yes, but I can't do any more work. I'm already busy with day to day management of my business.

I get it, but if you were looking for work, anyone would be lucky to hire someone like you. Right?
Of course.

Then hire yourself.
I'm not following.

Unconsciously, you're doing it already. You're looking for yourself, but you're advertising in the wrong places and most likely the wrong way. Tell me about your best hire.

That's funny you say that. The best guy I ever hired was a hard worker. He'd leave his phone in the truck to get the work done. He was tech savvy, and would ask for more work when his initial tasks were done. He got along with everyone. Never once did I have to talk to him about his attitude. He was a nice guy.

Sounds a bit like you...
Oh my...He was exactly like me. Just 20 years younger. I even told my wife that I saw him as the son I never had.

See? You saw yourself in him. Why did he leave?
I think he decided to go back to school.

So you already hired yourself once. Just go do it again.
Just? Easier said then done. It was complete luck that I found him the first time. Besides, when I need to hire people, I need them immediately. I can't sit around and wait for 6 months to get the next ideal employee. Time is money.

Then don't sit around and wait. Use a belief based marketing technique to find "mini you's" in your employee search.
What? I don't understand.

You're looking for love in all the wrong places.
Love, huh?

Do you think you could find the love of your life in a dirty, grungy bar.
Of course, but it's rare.

Exactly, because everyone has a different agenda. And the two of you will likely be back in the bar in six months looking for love again, with someone else. Listen closely to the lyrics of the song. It's the story of your hiring experience.

So what's this belief based thing-a-majig?

Detail out your beliefs as it relates to work. Don't describe the job as much as describe the type of person you're looking to hire.
You mean like strong, good attitude, works well with others.

No. That's all bullshit. Everyone wants that. And every candidate will say they are those things to get a job. If they need money, they'll do almost anything to get the job.
So what do you mean?

Go deeper by starting with yourself or better yet, by describing that great employee you just told me about.
Huh. I'm not following.

Ok, let me give you a couple of lines in your next job ad.

We believe:
Work is sometimes hard, but it never has to go unappreciated.
Our phones should stay in the truck while work is being done.
All people, including the biggest jerks, should be treated with respect.
Karma is a bitch, so we work hard not to upset her.

What? I'll never get any resumes with that ad.
Not true. You'll get some, but not as many as you used to. This ad will eliminate many of the deadbeats that you're trying to avoid anyways.

Ok, let's say you're right and I only get 2 resumes. I know I need 15 resumes to find one employee.
Not true. You need one resume to find one employee. The chances will be extremely high that the two resumes received will be from qualified candidates.

So I don't have to do interviews anymore? I hate doing them anyways.
No not at all. This isn't a perfect science. There's still the "knucklehead" factor. Some undesirable employees can still slip through the cracks, so doing an interview removes those knuckleheads.

Yeah, people who need a job and will say they are whatever you want them to be.

So once I get the resumes, what do I do next?
Email them to tell them you received their resume. Then ask them to CALL you for an interview.

Are you nuts? People have a hard time to show up half the time. Now you want them to call me for an interview?
Yes. Do you agree actions speak louder than words?

Of course.
One of your beliefs is "All people should be treated with respect". Isn't the definition of respect returning messages, either email or phone?

Uh, yes.
There you go. If they don't call you, they weren't that interested or they lack the respect factor you're looking for. You could even include it as a belief if you wanted. Something like, "Respect for others includes, returning calls and emails within 24 hours"...

I won't have any applications if I do this.
Henry Ford said, "If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right". If you don't think this will work then you should keep doing what you've been doing.

I'm ready for change. But have you done this before?
Yes, I don't share any secrets I haven't done myself. I used belief based marketing in a job ad ten years ago. I needed five employees. Three of them were still there when I sold the business four years later.

Wow. Is it that easy?
Ask yourself a simple question, "Are there any 20 year olds, who think like you, looking for the things you believe in".

I think so.
Then go find them. You've been looking in the wrong place for the right person.

You've given me a lot to think about. Have a great day.
Thanks for the tea.