Friday, August 4, 2017

Check your mindset

My friend James is relentless with phrases like, "Check your mindset".
He is a pain in the ass when I'm not in the mood for his upbeat, positive frame of mind.
But he's right.

You have to know James to really appreciate him.
He's like Tony Robbins, only nobody knows him.
I called to ask his permission to right this blog.
He was in the middle of reading the biography of Ben Franklin. His next read is about the Roman Empire.

For work, he throws around criminals like I throw around my Grande Emperor's Cloud at Starbucks. James works as a prison guard. Surrounded by scammers, rapists, murderers, and drug addicts, James's daily work routine makes his brain work overtime as he balances egos, power struggle and dishonesty amongst both inmates and guards.
James keeps guard for potential danger and his own personal health.

For fun, he tortures his body with Crossfit and jujitsu.
If you look at him from behind, it looks like he swallowed a capital V for breakfast.
Mentally and physically, James embodies both aspects of health with fervour.
A positive mental frame of mind protects him from the toxicity of his job.
It also gets him to each new level he wants to achieve.

He's one of my dearest friends.
And he is one of my greatest inspirations.

Walking down a busy street, picking up my restaurant lawn signs, I looked to the heavens and asked where I could find money to complete a new business deal.

James appeared in my imagination and told me to check my mindset.
It's the first time he came to me like this.
I listened and did exactly as he had instructed.

Within one week, I had the money I requested.  Cheques mysteriously showed up in the mailbox.
Contracts were awarded that I hadn't applied for.

It took 5 days, but I had the amount I needed to complete my business purchase.

Excited and giggly, I recounted the story to my wife.
She told me I should have asked for more.
How did I miss that?
She was right.
I shortchanged this new power.
So, I did what felt right and doubled the number.

Everyday for two weeks, I informed the universe I needed the new amount.
This time I asked for six figures.
It took two weeks for the magic to spread like pixie dust in my direction.
Two weeks and another contract was handed to me for 60% of my ask.
The other 40% is on its way.
I KNOW its coming. Why would the magic stop now?
I've tapped into something with James's rules on mindset.


Check your mindset.
Go find a friend like James.

If you have a "James" in your life, care for that relationship like you would care for your mother.
He's rare and precious.
He's your ticket to all your dreams to come.

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