Friday, January 19, 2018

The difference is in your head

I should eat healthy...
I should exercise...
I should pay my bills on time...

The space between what I SHOULD do and what I WILL do depends on one thing: My belief.

Back in November, I made two important decisions: Quit coffee and quit wasting time on Facebook.
Both had become debilitating addictions for me.
I didn't like the effects they caused on my life.
But I couldn't stop.
So it seemed.
Until I made a conscious decision that I didn't like them.

I believed the problem wasn't me, it was them.

Quitting an addiction, is like watching the love of your life walk away. It's painful to get over.
Walking away from a relationship because you no longer loved it is much easier.

I chose to be the dumper and not the dumpee.

I cleared a spot in my head and told myself that I never liked those things, didn't like myself when I was with those things, and didn't like who I was becoming because of those things.

It worked. I changed my belief about coffee and Facebook.
And it was extremely easy to move on.

The same goes for you.

There's a difference between what you know and what you believe.
What you KNOW is where the "should's" lie.
What you DO is where the "belief's" lie.

You're not eating healthier because you believe you'll be ok despite your eating habits.
You're not exercising more because you believe it's too hard, or doesn't fit your schedule.
You watch too much TV because you believe you deserve a break after a long day of work.

Check your SHOULDS and your WILLS. If you take inventory of them, you'll find where your BELIEFS really are.

I'm not going to tell you what you should do.
That's not up to me, or anyone else.

Because it won't matter, until you change your own beliefs.

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