Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Walking on water

Every once in a while, I dream something vivid. When I try to explain it it the morning, it makes less sense than it did when it was experienced.

We have two brains. The left brain is our logical analytical brain while the right brain is the creative counterpart.

When we sleep, the logical, left brain shuts off while the creative right side awakens.

Poetry comes from the creative side too.

So in keeping with right brained thinking, I'm going to explain this cool dream in my first ever poem not of the "roses are red variety".

Walking on white sands of Talbota
Skies were aqua
Water like sky
Iron on beaches
Nails, nails, nails
Some turned down
Some turned up
Careful where I walked
I got to watersfront
There was feeling under my feet
Magnetic, magnetic, magnetic
The water lifted me up
For a brief moment
I walked on water
So does everyone else
Laughing, crying, numbing
Greatest feeling of joy
Serene, serene, serene
People everywhere are on knees
Celebrating with family
Magnetism leaves
I sink into the water
Bang, Bang, Bang
Our tour guide says its time to go
I don't want to leave
I am afraid, so I listen
We rush to a bus
Looking behind us
Scared, scared, scared
We leave this place never to return

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