Monday, November 10, 2014

Idea assassin

Have you ever been a killer of ideas?

Have you ever beaten up someone mentally because he/she said something so ridiculous that your mind could not process the idiocy of their thoughts?

Have you ever laughed at a stupid statement and then later saw the potential brilliance in the person?

I've been guilty of all the above. I'm hoping I'm not alone. If so, I have to reevaluate my opinion of me.

My mom had a dream of opening a restaurant. She found a location, built a business plan and bought a building. She had a dream. A dream that was going to give her family a better life than the seasonal low pay of a fish factory worker.

I see these dreams every day. I love hearing people dream in a non dreaming world.

At her worst possible moment when self doubt crept in, her smart-assed teenage son spoke up. Her eldest boy, her pride and joy, her spawn. No one could hurt her more than him.

And I did.

The dream died. A piece of mom died too. I never heard her dream anymore. She sold the building. She went back to work and stopped thinking about what could be.

I killed my mom's idea. I didn't know what I was talking about. I knew nothing about business. I knew nothing about dreams as I was desperately conforming in a teenage world where no one dared be different.

Yet when I wanted to start my businesses, what did my mom do? She did what every great mother does. She asked a lot of questions and stood on the sidelines and quietly cheered for her boy.

Love cheers others on. Jealously, fear, anger pulls them back.

Don't be an idea assassin. Love your friend or family member and cheer them on to success. If you know nothing about business, keep your opinions to yourself. If you don't KNOW what you're talking about, the advice you give will hurt them. I guarantee it will hurt you in the end.

I tell new entrepreneurs all of the time not to listen to their families and friends if they've never owned a successful business. The advice from loved ones is blind. Most times, it interferes and pulls you in the wrong direction.

I'm talking from experience. Take it for what it's worth.

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