Sunday, November 22, 2015

All Nazis were German

Not all Germans were Nazis.

Just like not all white people are Klan members.

There are assholes in every race or religion. I used to have an asshole neighbour. It didn't mean everyone on my street was like him.

And the same goes for Muslims.

To classify an entire group of people into a category based on colour of skin, race or religion is by definition racism.

Why do some of our "so called" friends do this?

They are afraid.

Or, maybe the shroud of their actual beliefs come out when they are stressed. Just like orange juice comes out of an orange when we squeeze it. Maybe some of the people we know are just plain racist.

Fear can cause people to do crazy things.

Do you know what is the opposite of fear?


These are crazy times. But we must not be afraid of what "might" happen.
Fear is not given to us. We create it. Terrorist can't create fear. They can only set the stage. Fear has to be manufactured by us. It's an emotion.

To be afraid is our fault. Stop blaming the assholes.
In these trying times, it is now more important than ever to have faith that everything will be ok.

And if it isn't?
Death is inevitable.

If some asshole decides to bomb my house, run me off the road or behead me, I have to accept my fate. But I won't be afraid. I believe the likelihood of it happening is so small. It's not worth the worry. Life too short. I will live until I no longer can't.

I'm not afraid of terrorists. I'm afraid of the people I have known my whole life succumbing to a fear that isn't real.

Paris was a tragedy. Assholes did that. I sympathize with the French.
Kenya happened six months earlier. Assholes were responsible for that too. No one changed their Facebook profile picture in support of the Kenyans who lost their lives.

France is a world economic superpower. Kenya's gift to the world is marathon runners.

People were affected by both terrorism acts.

Brown, Black or white, there are assholes everywhere.

It's time we stop worrying about what could happen. We could die tomorrow. We don't need a terrorist for that.

Just because there are a bunch of assholes in the world doesn't give us the right to increase the population of them.

Put crazy away. There's enough of it already in the world. Let's be more humane to each other.

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