Wednesday, March 30, 2016

It's time to play

The fat lady does not stop and we do not pay attention.
For there are better things to do.
Than exit stage right.

Time is like the fat lady.
Singing to remind us that although we think we have just began, we are wrong.
Time is not measurable, even though we measure it.
Time cannot be bottled up into a jar and preserved like a common beetle.
We try to account for our time so we live fuller, deeper, more meaningful lives.

Inventions save us time from the tediousness of our lives.
But time spins out of control, going faster and faster until our allotment of it ends.

An wise old lady once told me, "What we focus on, expands."
It made sense, until I relate it to time.

When I focus on time, it does not expand. It races away.
As a child, time was irrelevant and stood still.
As an adult, everything has a deadline. Time is accounted for, and it speeds up.

Time does not exist, except in our own minds.

I have no time.
I wish I had time.
If I could only find the time.
It's time to get up.
What time is it?
Where did the time go?

We put so much emphasis on time, that we do not live. Trying to accomplish all the shit we set out to do before we go to sleep. Trying to meet deadlines measured by a unit of time, we cram it all in trying to make our lives more complete.

Accounting for time wastes our lives away, not enjoying the life we've been given.

Have you ever gone on vacation and came home exhausted? Of course, your routine was changed. You didn't have to be at work. But you added deadlines to your playtime.
You wanted to see, do, experience things. Even the simple pleasures of drinking poolside, was declared as relaxing, when in fact it was on your imaginary "To-do" list.

Time cannot be harnessed. It is not a wild horse waiting for its rider to tame it. It is you who is the wild horse.

Time owns your ass. You are here for a moment in time's infinacy.

If you want time to slow down, you may be too late. It will depend on how far you are up your own ass.

If there's anything we learn from children, time slows down for those who play.
Go find your play and play more.

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