Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Donald

A year ago, I nervously predicted that Donald Trump would be one of the republican finalists. Friends said he didn't have a chance. Friends explained how the nominations worked and how he would eventually flicker away.

Knowing very little about American politics, I felt a little safer in their justifications. But one thing worried me. Donald was marketing himself better than anyone had ever done before him. He had "real" brand recognition. He was saying things that no one ever dared say before. He was "different". And that had to be worth something in the popularity contest called an election.

Donald Trump is a joke. His ability to convince a growing group of people that he should be the next president of the United States is not. He gains popularity even though he doesn't say anything of value.

I have a theory why this joker is encouraged to continue down the electoral path. People have been yearning for someone to say something different.  No more political rhetoric. No more boring conversations about jobs, economy and healthcare.

Let's talk about walls, making America Great again, and deporting immigrants.

Trump doesn't act like a politician. He acts like a marketer. He says things in ways that gets emotion riled up in people. He stirs up the water to get the sediment in the bottom to float to the top. He wants people to be afraid. He wants them to get angry. He wants them to be politically incorrect.

He is zigging when everyone else zags. And that's why he is winning.

The fears, racism and anger have always been there, buried deep in the political correct world the public has been forced to live in.  Donald Trump gives people permission to exercise those emotions. And they feel good about themselves when they do.

A good marketer makes you feel good about your decisions.

We all know, The Donald doesn't have the goods to lead the country. And cooler heads may prevail when the final ballots are counted. He can't win. Can he?

Trump has opened the gates to Arkham Asylum. The crazies are being granted permission to run next time.

The fearful, angry voters will turn up another radical politician. A politician who presents well and sells to both the uninformed and informed voter is going to emerge.

It is not Trump I am afraid of. It is his successor.

The next nut job won't look like a joke. He won't talk like a joke. He will be well respected until it's too late. The Donald has laid the foundation for future radical politicians.

We should be worried.

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