Friday, March 18, 2016

The greatest inventions save us time

Time is not a renewable resource.

When it's gone, so are we.

All the greatest inventions have one thing in common - they saved us time.

Social media was accepted because it saved us on our most valuable resource.

We're human. We take advantage. We push the limits. We spoil ourselves and get sick by eating too much too fast. We are with time like we are with most good things: prone to addiction.

Social media and smart phones were created to help people connect, faster than ever before. The inventions allowed little snips of conversations to happen at light speed allowing us to deliver and consume little snips of conversations faster than we had ever done before with more people than ever thought possible.

What happened is what always happens with good things.
Followed by addiction,
Followed by social consequence.

These new inventions are exposing issues with productivity, anger, self righteousness and show-offery.

Social media is supposed to save us time. We're supposed to communicate faster online so we can get back to living our lives offline. Instead we're living our lives faster online, so we can live less offline.

I saw a "Facebook" friend last summer in person. It had been 20 years since I saw him last. Not 100% certain, I chose not to speak up. The next day, I talked with him online.

Am I the only fucked up introvert who has ever done this?

As the lines of personal and keyboard interactions continue to blur, our lives are more connected, but less interesting.

And in the process the dark truth of humanity gets exposed.

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