Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Tend to your garden

I used to hate the garden. It represented work. And at 12 years old, there was always something better to do than work.

I saw my dad and my grampie tend to it with surgical precision.
They prepared the soil by fertilizing the land, loosening the dirt and then planting their seeds.
Once seeded, they pulled and hacked at weeds giving the seeds space to grow.
They turned over the dirt, aerating the soil to keep the nasty weeds away.
They warded off pests who thrived on the juicy leaves, knowing that pests would kill the vegetable if given enough time and space.

Then they harvested after a full season to enjoy the fruits of their work to feed their families through another winter.

There's nothing new about growing a small garden to feed a family. My dad does it the same way today as he did 40 years ago.

We've all heard about the analogies of gardens when it comes to sales.
I'm hopefully going to give you a new analogy.

Your minds are like gardens.
You plant seeds to be able to feed yourself in the near future.
Those seeds are the wants and desires in your life.
They are the positive things going on.

My dad will tell you that weeds can grow anywhere.
They take no time to grow.
They don't need any work.
If you want to live off the positive things in a garden, you have to remove as many weeds as possible.

Weeds are the negative thoughts in your brain.
They don't take energy to grow.
You have to be aware that they can take root at any minute.
They will drain your resources away from your positive thoughts.
Too many weeds, the fruits of your desires cannot take root.
The seeds can not grow and produce.
You cannot achieve success with so many weeds.

It takes a lot of energy to remove weeds.
You have to be aware that they can come at you from any angle.
But if you fend them off long enough, the positive thoughts were surely grow through to your harvest season.

It takes less energy for a weed to grow, but it doesn't give you what you want.
Don't give space for the weed,  when you want the growth of a seed.

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