Wednesday, June 21, 2017

You can't have it

Has there ever been anything in your life that you wanted.
And you couldn't have it.
No matter how hard you worked to try to get it.
Every step forward forces you two steps back.
Others can have it and don't want it.
Others strut around and don't give any thought about the gift they have been given.

Why can't you get it?
You ask God for help.
You threaten him.
You plead for forgiveness.
You cry yourself to sleep.
Only to wake up the next day,
Realizing you did not wake up from a dream.
You're living an unfair life.

Why do others have it?
Why can't I?
Why is it seemingly so easy.
But so impossible for me.
What have I done to deserve this?
Why me?
Why me?
Why me, crying to yourself.

There are two things I'm certain of:
1. When you are at a crossroad of life, the road less travelled is usually the right choice.  The easy choice is the wrong one.
2. Life's challenges are God's way of asking you if this is what you really want.

I'm about to say something that may make you uncomfortable - I apologize for that.
But it has to be said.
I believe when you believe in something, you shouldn't be afraid to shout it from the rooftops.

Stand for something or stand for nothing. Politicians are good at sugar coating issues. And my momma didn't raise no politician.

I hate abortion.

It's not a religious thing.
It comes from a place of pain.
My wife and I couldn't conceive a child.
We wondered why others were so fortunate.
While we withered in emotions.

I hate abortion.

I have two children that could've ended up at the bottom of a garbage can. Their birth mothers were mentally strong to see their pregnancy through. And for that I will be forever grateful to those women.

I count my blessings every day despite the tantrums, the arguments, and the differences of opinions.
I'm a dad today.
12 years ago, I didn't know if I ever would be.

Some people want to have kids and they can't.
Some can and don't want them.
That makes me cry waterfalls as I try to understand the injustice.

Getting pregnant is not a right.
It is a privilege.
If you're not sure, ask my wife or countless other couples who can't conceive.

I understand that every situation is different.
I can even appreciate the varying shades of grey that pregnancies create.
It hurts to watch young women use abortion as a form of birth control.
It kills me to think that a human life has so little value.

Has society lost its morality?
A fetus lost in pregnancy in a WANTED world causes everyone to mourn.
A fetus aborted in an unwanted world, is silenced over the huge sigh of relief.

Abortion is not a form of birth control.
For those who have chosen that route, I'm not judging you.
You had your reasons and it's not my responsibility to judge you.
As an adoptive dad,  I am judging the action.
I hate it.
It saddens me.
It tears me into little pieces.

There was a time, people used to take a bag of newborn kittens and drown them at the river.
The comparison is a bit ridiculous but I see abortion the exact same way.

In today's world, we outlaw the inhumane way of disposing of kitties.
But in the wrong circumstances, taking a fetus and throwing it into a garbage can be considered ok.

Getting pregnant and and not wanting a baby is based on choice.
Killing it is also a choice.
You don't need to pop it like a pimple.
There are other options.
It's scary.
It's emotional.
It's difficult.

As an adoptive dad, I can reassure you there are thousands of families waiting for a baby and don't have the same privileges as you have.

Sex is fun.
When you dance with a loaded gun, someone gets shot.
If its you, turn it into a positive situation.
You're going to make someone extremely happy.
It's only 9 months.
It'll be over before you realize it.

Life is the greatest gift you can give.

I know.
I was told I couldn't give it.
I didn't feel full until my daughter was born.
12 years ago tomorrow.

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