Friday, October 2, 2015

You're so smart you have two brains

The brain is made of two hemispheres. In fact, they are very much two separate brains.

The left hemisphere is responsible for analytics, and logic. It breaks problems down into component parts. We learn and understand science, mathematics and reasoning in this part of the brain.

The right hemisphere is responsible for creativity. It's where we learn how to dance, sing, play a musical instrument, draw, paint and create stories. This area of our brain takes illogical pieces and puts them together to create.

In grade one, we all loved to draw and paint. Research has proved that all children at this age think of themselves as creative.

By grade ten, less than ten percent of them still feel creative.

What happens in nine short years?

Puberty probably plays a role as children try to conform. Creativity requires people to be a bit weird. Weird is not cool in high school.

I believe the suppression of our creativity has a lot to do with the educational system. As children progress through the system, creative classes which require right brain processes are replaced with logical, left brain analysis.

Art and music classes are reduced to one day per week, replaced with mathematics, sciences, history and social studies. By the time our children get into high school, these creative classes are abolished entirely.

Imagine a child quitting school in grade three. Her reading would be basic. Her ability to calculate simple math problems would be slow. She would know nothing about history or science unless she went out on her own to discover it.

That's what the system has done to the creative learning of our children. It has stunted it. It's still there. Unexercised, fat, and unhealthy, the right brain has gotten lazy.

The only way out of this rut is to exercise the brain to be creative again.

If you haven't tapped into your creativity lately, you're only using one of your brains. What a shame to have your other brain taking up so much space and not paying rent.

Women tap into the creative right brain more often than men. Intuition is the ability to see patterns in illogical events to know the logical result.

Don't mess with a woman's intuition.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

My first love

She was 18 years old when I first met her. 18 years old, 3 months and 26 days and I loved her the moment I saw her. Don't tell me love at first sight doesn't exist because I'm living proof you're wrong.

She was tired and in pain. But she glowed, somewhat relieved. I didn't want to hurt her, but there was no other choice. It was a life and death situation. I chose life and in the process I hurt this precious woman so much that she didn't feel the pain anymore. All she felt was love for me, and I for her.

Today is her birthday. 18 years, 3 months and 26 days older than me. Happy birthday mom! I love you.

She was a child when she got married. Quickly got pregnant and had her first child before her 19th birthday. She wasn't allowed to drink, but she made decisions that forced her to quickly become an adult.

My mom has always been 18 years, 3 months and 26 days older than me, but for some reason, I have always seen her as old.

She isn't old. She's just older than me.

When I was 10 years old, she was still in her twenties, full of piss and vinegar, but I saw her as old.
When I got married at 25 years old, she was the same age I am now. And I thought she was old.
And today at she has brushed past the 60 and into a set of numbers she hasn't seen since she was a mid-teenager. She is now a dyslexic 16 year old, moving toward senior citizenship.

She's not old, even though I have always seen her as old.

Perspective only gives one opinion. That opinion is based on experience. And that experience is personal. The perspective we have is based on our own experiences. My mom looked old to me just like I look to my children.

She's a vibrant, funny, loving mother and I wouldn't trade her for anything. She's 18 years, 3 months and 26 days older than me. I love her more today than I did so many years ago.

Happy Birthday Mom! Hope you have a great dyslexic sweet sixteen birthday.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Get your motor running...

My lawnmower got fixed.

In a prior post called "Squirrel Dicks", I wrote about issues getting someone to take responsibility for a blown engine on my mower.

After much run around, the dealer encouraged me to bring the mower in for them to take a look at it. They were the most help. They convinced the engine manufacturer to extend the warranty based on a malfunction. The manufacturer supplied a new motor free of charge.

The original quote to replace the motor was $3500. The actual cost was $860 for delivery and labour. Although I would have liked to pay nothing, I am extremely happy to "save" $2640.

I'm now a huge fan of the dealer. Even though they took $860 of my money and I drove an hour to drop off and pick up the mower, I feel like they wrapped their arms around me and protected me from the monsters who weren't taking responsibility for my misfortune.

Isn't that all we want as customers?

When things go well, it's easy to please a customer. In a marriage, things are easy as long as there is no conflict.

But anyone who's been married long enough knows it takes a lot of work to preserve, maintain and grow the love that binds the relationship.

When things go badly as they inevitably will, the two parties show their true intentions based on what they do.

Relationships are hard work.

This dealer has my business for future purchases because they took care of me.
I don't feel like a cheap whore they are just trying to fuck!

They value our relationship. And so do I.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lessons from playing softball

The first time I played softball I was 6 years old. Dad brought me to a field with a bunch of kids I barely knew. There must have been 40 kids on the field. And so the love affair began.

In my teenage years, I managed my own team, played all positions and organized games against other kids. In a time when the parents didn't get overly involved, we kids organized the games with kids from other towns and got the parents to drive us to the town.

We were good. That's all we did in the summer. Played softball and went swimming. The core guys played together well into our late twenties. We were all friends. We weren't the best defensive team in the world but we were a great hitting team. Our success came from our ability to hit well.

Over the years, friends moved away and the team disbanded but my love of the game continues.

Now at 42, the game is slipping away from me. I feel that the old girl doesn't love me the same way anymore. Hitting is getting harder. Running hurts. Throwing is a chore.

But there's one thing I've learned in my softball old age that has become a life lesson.

"The harder I try to succeed, the further I move away from the goal".

I'm not talking about work ethic. I'm talking stress. When I go to bat and really want to get a hit, it seems like there's an anxiousness at the plate. The handle of the bat gets choked instead of gripped. The bat doesn't feel like an extension of my arms. My feet get heavy and don't move easily into the swing. My arms become tense. My eyes widen and at the same time, stop watching the ball connect to the choked bat. When stressed, I try to do too much. And ultimately, fail at my goal of getting on base.

I succeed when I don't allow myself to be stressed. If I tell myself that I'm a good hitter and I laugh at the plate, my chances of success raise exponentially.

Last night, our softball team was losing for a third straight game to a good team. When all looked lost, the coach said, let's have some fun. His words were right, but how can you tell someone to have fun. Fun is not a widget. It's an emotion. The emotion has to come from within. It took a few guys to break the mood with stupid remarks and gestures. But when we came around, we won the game and then won the next game too.

When the team loosened up, the game became easier.

Life is exactly the same way. We are taught to pursue our dreams. To be persistent. To not let go. But the harder I chase my dreams, the faster they run away from me. Learning from softball, I have to loosen up, have fun, relax, and laugh. Then and only then, am I be in a position to hit the ball where I want it to go.

Monday, September 28, 2015

A famous Canadian is full of shit

I was sitting in a marketing class in Texas when a famous Canadian business professor’s name was mentioned with his famous line, “The medium is the message”. 

We are taught to accept absoluteness. We are taught not to think for ourselves. Despite what educational institutions think they promote, they really promote conformity.

The instructor was demonstrating how the medium was the medium and the message was the message. The two should never be used in a way that Marshall McLuhan had used them.

Bravely, I raised my hand and asked if the instructor thought McLuhan was wrong. He responded adamantly with a sonic boom. “I’m saying Marshall McLuhan was full of shit."

It has taken me two years to figure out why the famous line was accurate at the time and why it isn’t anymore. 

Using television as an example, in a time when not every company could afford to pay for television advertising, it displayed strength. The more television advertising it paid for, the stronger a company looked. The medium had a message of strength. So in fact the medium was the message.

As mass media got fragmented, being on TV didn't carry the same weight. With specialty channels, regional broadcasting and niche markets, television advertising has become quite affordable. Strength is no longer an attribute associated to a company advertising on television.

What’s more important, the right message on the wrong medium or the wrong message on the right medium?  

Medium is less important than message. If you have the wrong message on the right medium, you'll talk to your target audience but they won't care. If you have the right message on the wrong medium, someone will not only care. They will remember you.

The right message is what you have to strive for. Always hoping that you hit the golden trifecta by using the right message on the right medium at the right time.

McLuhan was partially right when he came up with his phrase. But it wasn’t a universal truth like Einstein’s theory of relativitiy. With time he has been proven wrong. I have to agree with my Texas teacher. He’s full of shit in 2015.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Who are you, who, who?

There are things we stand for or against. Principles, values, character. We have them in various degrees. We may or may not have them written down. But somewhere deep within our the darkness of our souls, they hide until we are tested. 

The true test comes when we have kids. Then everything changes. 

Even though we don't try, we start acting and talking like our parents. And your spouse does the same.  The kids aren’t only a product of your upbringing. They are a product of the upbringing of your spouse, your mom, dad, your mother in law, father in law and also grandparents and great grandparents.

It takes a community to raise a child. That community is a culmination of ancestors going back multiple generations.

Times change but values are passed on from generation to generation until someone breaks the chain. To break the chain, an individual has to really work hard at defiance.

Company values are no different. 

Recently I spoke to a successful businessman who was looking at growing his business substantially. 

Just like a child, his business had incorporated his values, which he probably inherited through osmosis from his parents. 

His problem was he couldn't identify the company's core values. Primarily because he couldn’t identify his own. Worse yet, his employees couldn't articulate them and act accordingly because everything was still in owner's head. This successful franchise system has not yet figured out some of the systemization required for future success.

I spent a whole day with the owner and realized that his company can have some success but its ultimate goals cannot be achieved for one simple reason: The owner didn’t know what his business was going to be when it grew up. His vision was about the number of stores, sales and profit.

We don’t set goals for our children this way so why would we do that for a business.

No one I know has ever said, I want my child to make $80,000 a year, live in a million dollar home and have two children of his own before he’s thirty. Sounds crazy, doesn't it.

We want to raise a happy, healthy child who will learn to be a productive, giving and loving. And to achieve those things, we instill our values back onto them in hopes that something wears off on them.

A company’s brand is a story embedded in the mind of the market. Emotion, and feelings are the true measure of a great story. 

Emotion and feelings don’t come from sales numbers, good food, or good atmosphere. Feelings come from branding. And branding is created with core values. 

Let me explain. If one of the brand’s core values is sophistication, the decision to implement or discontinue a product or service is dependant on its ability to be sophisticated. 

If a core value is honesty and respect, then every conversation among owners, employees, partners and suppliers must exude the same values. If not, the core values have to change or the people do.

Once the core values are established, decisions become easy. Stories get told and customers start to live and feel the brand as a living, breathing organism.

Otherwise the brand is disjointed. The stories have no direction and the brand is null and void.

Don’t be fooled, branding is not about colours, fonts, logos and decor. Branding is about stories. The best brands tell the best stories. The worst brands tell the worst stories or don't tell any at all.

We tell stories about our kids to anyone who will listen. We brand our children the minute they are born by telling these stories. We teach them our core values their whole lives.

Businesses are EXACTLY the same as our kids when it comes to this stuff.

If you write out your values, and live them everyday, your kids will probably follow in your footsteps. 

If you write out your values, and live them everyday, your brand will do the same. Long after your gone.

Discover who you are at your core, and you'll probably predict who you're children will become.

Friday, September 18, 2015

My first car

As a young man enters adulthood, he dreams about having his own "wheels". No longer dependant on friends, his parents or the bus schedule, his ability to roam is equivalent to the freedom to fly.

I was no different. Up to my ears in university debt, coupled with a low paying entry level job, I drove my motorcycle for two summers before crawling into deeper debt of a car loan. Pissed off that I was working everyday and all my friends had cars, I made the decision to buy one anyways.

My first car was a 1995 Honda Civic. It was a year old when I bought it. A cherry red, two door coupe, five speed manual transmission with spoiler and bug deflector made me feel like Michael Andretti downshifting into turns and revving the engine to 6000 rpm.

I drove that car for seven years and 325000 kilometres until my new bride convinced me that a car with four doors was more practical with the inevitable arrival of kids.

The car was awesome. But I discovered something more remarkable when I purchased it.

A young woman had purchased the car a year earlier. She no longer wanted it. The dealer was trying to help her get out of it so she could get something else. A big mouthed friend heard about the car and convinced me that this was the car I should buy.

So I drove an hour away, passing fourteen car dealerships to test drive and purchase this car.

In early 2003, it was time to find a new car worthy of my desires. My first starter Honda was so good, I wanted to upgrade to the next level. The adult car in the lot, the Honda Accords winked at me every time I drove by them.

I would drive into the lot, wink back and promise to one day test drive her.  In the summer, I made the decision to take her for a spin. Getting into the car, her leather smelled of good taste. Her smooth handling told me I was a great driver. Her colour made me feel rich. Sold on the car before a salesman said a word, I was ready to sign for another loan.

The sales guy unsold me. It wasn't the price. It wasn't the payment plan. It was the arrogance of not only the salesman but also other people who were working there. I wasn't going to give this company any of my money even though I knew I wanted this car.

I called up the Honda dealership an hour away. I told them the colour, model and year I wanted. The salesman told me he didn't have one in stock but he could trade with another dealer and would have the car by the end of the week.

At the end of the week, I drove happily an hour to pick up my new silver chariot. The car had 300 kilometres on it. My first NEW car!!! Why did it have so many kilometres? The car came from a dealership 3 hours away. When asked why they didn't trade with the dealer in my town, someone coughed and I heard a faint whisper of discontent.  I wasn't the only one who despised those guys.

The best part of my relationship with my Honda dealership was that I never had to negotiate on price of a new car. Early on, in my research, I used to put one dealer's price against the other. What I found was the squirrel dick dealership would make me work in the negotiation to get the best price. My preferred dealership wouldn't even negotiate. Their starting price was always lower than the best negotiated price of the squirrel dick dealership.

Since 1996, I have made the hour long trek four times to buy a new car. I always waste the squirrel dicks time by test driving his cars before driving an hour to buy. I never negotiate.  I never dicker. I accept the price as being the best price without question. The employees from 1996 are still there.

My salesman remembers my name, what I do for a living and the types of cars I own. In a world of faceless interactions and purchases, my salesman takes the time to remember some simple things about me.

I've called there a couple of times and noticed that everyone from the service or parts guy to the owner may answer the phone. I'm pretty good with voice recognition. But this company is the only one I can't tell whom I talking to. They all sound the same. They all act the same. They all care for the customer the same.

This doesn't happen by accident. The owner, who has had very limited contact with me in 20 years, calls me by name each time I walk by his office. He remembers what I do, asks about my wife by name.

I'm sitting at McDonald's writing this because my car is in the Honda garage. As I was driving yesterday, the air conditioning stopped cooling. I had to pass by the dealership this morning on my way back home, so I decided to stop in.

The service guy, who was clearly already swamped with today's orders stopped what he was doing to talk to me. He promised to push my service to the front of the queue so I could get back home. Then he told me the problem was under warranty. The salesman gave me a brand new car so I could eat breakfast.

Why would I ever buy from the dip shits who want to treat me like another pain in the ass customer when I can drive an hour out of my way, spend my time and gas money to get treated like a respected person.

There are two types of customers: relational and transactional. The relational customers are looking for meaningful relationships with the brand. The transactional customer cares little about the relationship and mostly about the deal.

If you treat relational customers like a transaction, you'll disrespect them and they will divorce your brand. Relational customers represent 20% of your customers but 80% of your traffic. Losing a customer is never good, but losing a relational customer is equivalent to losing four transactional customers.

At face value, you may not tell the difference between the two, so it is extremely important to treat them all like relational customers.

Cumberland Honda is the only dealership I have ever purchased a car from. I love them as much today as I did on July 10, 1996 when I bought that little red Honda Civic.