Friday, October 2, 2015

You're so smart you have two brains

The brain is made of two hemispheres. In fact, they are very much two separate brains.

The left hemisphere is responsible for analytics, and logic. It breaks problems down into component parts. We learn and understand science, mathematics and reasoning in this part of the brain.

The right hemisphere is responsible for creativity. It's where we learn how to dance, sing, play a musical instrument, draw, paint and create stories. This area of our brain takes illogical pieces and puts them together to create.

In grade one, we all loved to draw and paint. Research has proved that all children at this age think of themselves as creative.

By grade ten, less than ten percent of them still feel creative.

What happens in nine short years?

Puberty probably plays a role as children try to conform. Creativity requires people to be a bit weird. Weird is not cool in high school.

I believe the suppression of our creativity has a lot to do with the educational system. As children progress through the system, creative classes which require right brain processes are replaced with logical, left brain analysis.

Art and music classes are reduced to one day per week, replaced with mathematics, sciences, history and social studies. By the time our children get into high school, these creative classes are abolished entirely.

Imagine a child quitting school in grade three. Her reading would be basic. Her ability to calculate simple math problems would be slow. She would know nothing about history or science unless she went out on her own to discover it.

That's what the system has done to the creative learning of our children. It has stunted it. It's still there. Unexercised, fat, and unhealthy, the right brain has gotten lazy.

The only way out of this rut is to exercise the brain to be creative again.

If you haven't tapped into your creativity lately, you're only using one of your brains. What a shame to have your other brain taking up so much space and not paying rent.

Women tap into the creative right brain more often than men. Intuition is the ability to see patterns in illogical events to know the logical result.

Don't mess with a woman's intuition.

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