Friday, July 31, 2015

Stranger Danger

Mom told me to never talk to strangers. Her message penetrated my thinking to a nuclear core. To this day, I don't like talking to strangers.

I'm introverted to begin with. Talking to someone I don't know is stressful, uncomfortable and a  awkward. I do it, but I'd like to have a recording of some of these conversations. I probably sound like a pimple faced 12 year old fumbling for words between the "umm's and aah's". 

I went out of my way to speak to two strangers today. Doing what makes us uncomfortable is like water on a plant. It helps us grow.

The first stranger was hanging out at the hospital with a placard protesting the killing of babies as a means of birth control. Thinking this guy probably has a story, I started a conversation with him to find out why he was wasting a beautiful summer day protesting abortion.  He glared at me as if I were bothering him in his defiant protest of a woman's right. He stared at someone over my left shoulder  and explained that his personal relationship with Christ was his motivation. He offered me twice a DVD as he pursued his goal of spreading the Word in apostle-tic fashion.

Seeing countless people protesting abortion over the years, I often wondered what sparked these demonstrations. I don't think they work. But this stranger is working off purpose and I admire him for that. Raising two adopted children, I'm not pro abortion either. My babies were one decision away from being in a trashcan and that thought haunts me at times. I'm not willing to stand on a pedestal screaming out my opinions on the matter, despite this blog. I applaud this seemingly crazy man for his right to express his speech freedom. 

The second stranger was my barista at Starbucks. She painted my Frappacino like Davinci. Her intensity although focused was due to lack of experience.  Her magical smile beamed when I complimented her on an otherwise faceless drink. To which she confirmed what I already knew: she was new at Starbucks.

Two strangers in the light. Neither causing anyone harm. Both working for different purposes. Both strangers likely never to cross my path again. Today, I talked to both of them, learning a bit about them. Slowing my day, smelling the roses that others leave in their path I found a touch of joy.

The stranger danger message is hard to erase from my organic harddrive. There is little to no danger in communicating with complete strangers. I'm no longer a kid. No one is going to lure me into a white cargo van with candy.

Where there was fear, today I find a hint of joy. How strange is that?

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