Monday, December 8, 2014

Start saying "Yes"

There are a lot of reasons someone says no. There are pleasers who take on extra responsibilities to the detriment of their own goals.

I recently had to go to a funeral for a member of my wife's family. It forced me to reflect on life. I didn't really know the person but people I care about were saddened by the loss. There are things that have to be done that no one wants to do on such a sad occasion. Someone always does them.

I know I'm aging as I'm asked to participate in more funerals. I don't like doing it. I don't think anyone does. It's not the attention. It's the sadness that bothers me. Yet I continue to say yes.

The person planning the funeral has a lot on her plate. Asking people to assist in the burial isn't what she wants to do either, but someone has to do it.

When someone says no, it means the planner has to ask someone else, which means more work in a time when grieving takes a back seat to actual work.

I could never put into words why I say yes until now. It has always felt like the right thing to do.

I never let my thoughts get in the way of these demands. Of course I don't want to do it. If I think about it too long, I'll say no. So I don't think. By saying yes, without thought makes me committed. Once someone is dependent on me, I won't let them down.

Funerals aside, some of my best life experiences have come from just saying yes. Was I scared? It didn't matter. Once committed, I had to do it. My growth has come from being utterly shitless and just saying "Yes" anyways.

I'm not writing about the pleasers who need to practice saying "no" in the mirror. I'm writing about those who need to say a few more "yeses". Your ability to say yes will have a direct impact on your future growth.

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