Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Limiting beliefs

I'm too old. It's too risky at my age.
I'm too young. No one will take me serious.
My business is slow in the summer because everyone is on vacation.
My business is declining because the economy isn't very good.
I'm too fat to be attractive to someone.
I'm too skinny to be attractive to someone.
I don't have enough money to start a business.
I have too much money to risk on a business.

I could go on. I hear them everyday. Excuses that limit our ability to be successful. The excuses get engrained into our belief system and as long as we believe these statements to be true, they are.

It's called a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What if we talked differently to ourselves?
What if we positioned these statements in a positive frame of mind?

Instead of saying what we can't do, what would happen if we asked ourselves the question, "How can we do it?".

It would mean that we have to take responsibility for our actions. It would mean that we are in control of our results.

And that may be scary for some of us.

Because the only reason we don't succeed is because we don't give ourselves permission.

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