Monday, October 5, 2015

Marketing 101

There are two ways to deliver marketing.

The first way is to scream from the mountaintops, hoping someone, anyone will hear you. If enough people are looking for that product at that exact time, they may come to see you. You may get a sale out of it.

If you want attention, all you need to do is interact with lots of people. Someone is bound to be in the market at that particular time. But screaming isn't always the best way to get attention. I learned with my kids that whispering can have the exact same effect.

The second way is to deliver such a memorable story that potential customers think about you long after they hear the message. They don't have to be "in-market" to buy. But one day when they are, the message will still resonate enough for them to check you out. You'll get traffic and maybe even a sale.

Mass Media talks to everyone. If the message is poorly crafted, you will only talk AT customers who are "in-market" to buy when they hear the commercial. If the message is clear and remarkable, you talk WITH all customers who will someday be "in-market" to buy.

Talking AT people will be effective if you time it right. Talking WITH people will be always be effective.

The media doesn't matter as much as the message. Have a clear message and business will take care of itself.

The same thing works with dating. If you want a date, get a girl to laugh. She'll remember you for weeks.

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