Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Trading my fake job for my real job: Day 9

One week from today and the real Queen is back in the house!

The dog is starting to get on my nerves. Second day in a row she leaves me a huge steaming present on the floor. That's it. She's sleeping in her kennel tonight. Not sure if she's punishing us for losing her mommy or if she's just stupid.

I decided to cook a turkey today. I didn't realize how easy it was. Not sure what all the fuss is about cooking a big bird. I feel so accomplished.

While the kids were at the mini-factory today, I went to the city and had two great meetings. In the second meeting, I was talking to a colleague about how much food we have in our house. I spent $40 on groceries last week to get some milk, bread and fruit. Besides that, the three of us have eaten well. Every day, I pull something out of the freezer. There's still enough in there for two more weeks. I started to clean out the pantry today only to realize that we have enough food there to last us at least three more weeks. Why do we have so much food? Plus I have a cooked turkey that I have to freeze now. There's no way we're eating that much turkey in a week.

Our son went to his first basketball practice tonight. He was really nervous. There's no basketball at his school so we had to drive 20 minutes to a strange school where he didn't know anyone. And everyone spoke English, which is his second language. I could tell he was nervous because he was quiet for the entire drive. Plus he went outside after supper to practice his dribbling and shooting. He was one of the youngest kids but he hustled the hardest on the floor. Proud papa I am.

He liked it so much, he wants to go back next week. Unfortunately, next week we have a scheduling conflict. His mom's coming home at the same time as practice. I asked him what he wanted to do. He suggested leaving his mom at the airport until after practice. Don't think that's gonna fly with our queen.

Coming home from basketball, the smell of Christmas overtook our noses as we entered the side door. Our daughter complained about having to brush her teeth with a mint toothpaste. She reminded me that I'm a bad father for not getting her favourite toothpaste for a second day in a row. I promised I wouldn't forget again. First thing tomorrow I have to go to the pharmacy or forever be cast as that father who wouldn't buy the right kind of toothpaste. I'll never live it down.

Once the kids went to bed, I pulled the meat off my turkey. Writing those last words, my warped mind started to giggle. I actually de-boned my bird. Ha, ha. I can't stop. I must be getting tired. Or it's the red wine.

In seven more sleeps, my Queen comes home...

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