Monday, April 24, 2017

Beware of the Marketing Weasel

A weasel is a furry clever little creature. He knows how to get in places where he doesn't belong. He's quick. He knows how to wiggle around and cause destruction. 

Weasels are like measles. 
They're itchy, twitchy and painful. 

The weasel will tell you that he can fix your business with highly targeted marketing. 
He will explain that there's nothing more important in marketing that a catchy slogan. 
He will use jingles and clichés and target market data to reinforce his point. 
If he's a really good weasel he will pull out research and he will explain why the key demographics feel the way they do. 

In the end he's not helping you. 
He is doing what he has been taught by other weasels. 
Weasels exist.

Don't blame them.
For they do what they've been taught.

We expect people to behave as we would behave. 
That's part of our problem.
Not everyone sees the world the same way.

One likes Donald Trump.
One hates him.
Who's wrong?
Only time will tell.

The weasel thinks everyone is weasel. 
Sometimes he's right and sometimes he's not.

I apologize if I've offended you. 
I believe in marketing because I have been taught by someone who is not than a weasel. 

Marketing is a long term investment. 
It is not necessarily clever. 
It touches the heart of the audience. 
The audience is everywhere. 
I have found 18-year-olds and 65-year-olds of both genders who have Facebook accounts. I have found that all types of people are interested in all types of things. The reason most marketing doesn't work is not because of the target audience. The reason most marketing doesn't work is because of a poorly crafted message. 

Weasels don't work on message. They use words like exposure, visibility, awareness, and branding.

I work on message. Exposure, visibility, awareness and branding are derivatives of messaging.

If you are tired of wasting time and money on all the weasels and its time to develop of clear and concise marketing strategy, you can contact me at

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