Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Zig when others zag

It's my most consistent piece of advice when someone who asks, "What should I do"?

My answer: Zig when others zag.

It is important to be perceived to be different. But it's also where the greatest opportunities lie.

Conventional thought is not new, exciting or different.

Conventional thought is thought to be safe. Others have gone and beat down the path to the prize. Its beaten path removes the beauty of the journey. It waters down the fertilizer for more fruit and the tree of plenty has produced just enough for those who have already passed.

Conventional thought changes as we become more intelligent with information. 
There was a time when the world was thought to be flat.
The sun revolved around the earth.
Fire was created by an element called flogiston.
California was an island.

Conventional thought is not new, exciting or different.
To penetrate that magic place in the brain that allows for new messages to enter, you must have a product that is considered new, exciting or different.

Working like everyone else will get you possibly to a safe place. Not necessarily fun. What if what you think is afe is actually dangerous? What if there is no prize on your safe journey? What if all the berries are picked? Follow convention and you may go hungry.

Are there business practices that belong to conventional thought?
Absolutely. Paying bills, treating people right, not cheating the government is all good conventional practices.

It is dangerous to be new, different and exciting. Your business may not survive. It is actually dangerous either way.

When it comes to product, price, promotion, place or the 4 P's of marketing, there should be less convention and more thought. Marketing is a creative discipline. It it thrives on delivering Messages that penetrate the target audience's brain.

I believe there's enough time spent on thinking originally. Too much time is spent on following in someone else's footsteps.

Rick Nicholson is a partner in Wizard of Ads, the Mack daddy of unconventional thinkers. If you want to contact him, you can reach him at

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