Friday, January 31, 2014

Joy to the world

I recently stumbled across a book on mathematics that puts emotions into a completely new perspective for me. The author is Chip Conley. And unfortunately, I couldn't buy the book at my local Chapters so I have to wait for it from Amazon.

In my quick research on it, I found a very deep mathematical equation relating to JOY that I wanted to share.

Love - Fear = Joy

So to translate, when we love something and there is an absence of fear, we live in a state called joy. Remember when you fell in love. Remember the honeymoon period in your relationship? This state that we call being in love can falter sometimes because life kinda gets in the way. Stress comes rushing in, kids get added to the equation, bills can't get paid, the job gets more demanding, etc... All this new stuff generates fear.  What we were calling "in love" was in fact a state of joy.

Don't we all want to be extremely happy? I was recently talking to a friend and he was going through a rough time. I could sense his pain. I concluded that joy is the opposite of sad. So using math, I deconstructed it using the simple formula.

Joy = -Sad

So Joy is the complete opposite of Sad. But it would be equal to negative sadness.

Love - Fear = Joy,
              and Joy = -Sad

Then we could say this mathematical statement:

Love - Fear = -Sad

If we turn Sad to a postive, using simple arithmetic, the equation would look more like this:

Sad = Fear - Love

If this equation is correct, it would mean that our fears are greater than our ability to love and the overabundance of it will generate a slow burn towards sadness.

This kinda makes sense to me. Someone told me once that there were only two basic emotions: Love and Fear. Love and its derivatives like happiness, joy, excitement, anticipation are on the positive side of the dichotomy. Fear and its derivatives like sadness, anger, jealousy, envy are on the negative side.

The equation for joy/sad demonstates that the dichotomy has some truth to it. The next time you're sad about something, write down your fears about it. Write down what you love about it. I bet you'll have more fears.

Fear is the biggest monster in our lives. Go on a quest and slay the monster. It won't be easy. You'll have to pick up special weapons along the way, like self confidence, and self esteem.

Money doesn't buy happiness. Money buys things that may look like we're happy. In actual fact, if fear is present the more money you have, the more afraid you are to lose it. Hence, money is not the answer to our problems of sadness.

You can spend a lifetime in sadness or a lifetime of joy. You get to choose.

Ta ta for now!

"Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live".
-Dorothy Thompson

Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.


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