Saturday, February 1, 2014

What is your life's purpose?

Why are we here? Are we supposed to accomplish something? I think of these questions from time to time. My spiritual side will tell me there is some divine direction that I am supposed to follow. My rational side will tell me that purpose is whatever I decide the objective to be.

I believe that things happen for reasons. Sometimes reasons are not really clear at the time. I'm probably rationalizing the occurrence of negative events to make me feel better. I'm making an assumption that divine intervention gives a shit about some of my simple life experiences. Ultimately, I don't care! For some reason, allowing the pressure of an experience to release by giving credit to "The Ultimate Plan", makes me feel better.

Isn't that all that matters? We feel better.

I have friends who are agnostic. And I have friends who are atheist. They don't believe in the things I do. They cope with their issues in a different way. That's ok too.

We will all die. Recently I asked a group of friends, "On your deathbed, as you look at your time on Earth, you will analyze your life. What do you want to have accomplished"? And if we use Stephen Covey's thinking in his foundational book, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", "What do you want others to say at your funeral"? In all of the people that I talked to, no one mentions money or financial wealth as an objective.

These questions lead to our life's purpose. What we want to accomplish before we die.

Character, legacy, someone who helped others, and being a good parent/spouse are some of the more popular responses that are heard in these discussions.

So go look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, "What is my life's purpose"? Once you've answered it, ask yourself honestly, "Am I there yet"?

If you have not achieved your life's purpose yet, then it's time to get real. Put all your cards on the table and ask yourself, why are you not there yet. Find the why to your problem, and you'll find the solution in the same place. Once you've uncovered the real reason for your failure to achieve your life's purpose, you can start to unravel the twine and put your life on a path to achieve all of the things you have ever wanted.

Any good business has a vision for its raison d'etre. As people, we need to also envision our purpose, so that we can start taking steps down the right path.

It's gonna get uncomfortable. 2014 is going to be an awesome year.

Ta ta for now!

"If you don't know where you're going, then any road will take you there".
-Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland)

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