Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Goals for 2015

It's a new year and I just finished my goals for the upcoming 365 days.

Don't misinterpret me. These are not resolutions. I gave up resolutions a long time ago. These are things I want to achieve for the year. There are only five of them.

The Fab Five is what they will be called. 

Two of them are personal goals in trying to be a better person. The others are business related as I aim to achieve my business objectives.

I spent a week thinking about the Fab Five. I don't want to waste another year. I want to achieve something remarkable. 

It started with a review of what I want out of my life. A real question that isn't easy to answer. It starts with knowing what one wants. Knowing, not thinking...

I went wrong last year by allowing my goals to be dependent on someone else's decision. It became unrealistic in the short term because everything I wanted to do last year depended on someone agreeing to sell me their business. Which they didn't do. They will want to sell me their business someday but I can't control that right now.

So this year, with the dream still lingering like a musty pair of unwashed underwear, I set annual goals that were achievable and were not dependant someone else's decision.

So here are my goals for the year:
1. Weigh 170 lbs
2. Be a better dad/husband/person
3. Make $150,000 this year
4. Start a coaching company
5. Buy two businesses with two operating partners. Both have to be found.

Each goal has a minimum of five actionable items or smaller goals that will result in the annual goal being achieved. 

For an example, I've identified five things I need to do to be a better dad/husband/person.
- Do dishes for my family five times per week
- Clean two bathrooms for my wife each week
- Mop kitchen floors each week
- Perform 4 random acts of kindness/month
- Find a church to expose my kids to the word of God and go at least twice/month.

So there you have it. 

It's a new year. A clean slate... What are you going to do different this year? 

Resolutions are for the fragile, good intended dreamers seeking change but not willing to do the work.

Goals are for the strong minded, fierce competitors fighting the distractions of life to make it better for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Are you a fighter or are you numbed by the electromagnet field from your television?

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