Wednesday, January 14, 2015


My kids' favourite expression is "curse you karma". They stole it off a cartoon they used to watch.  When I'm disciplining them, they say that karma is waiting for me. Karma is their answer to right all of the wrongs of their world.

In a 9 year old's words, the definition of karma is that bad things will happen to someone who does bad things.

She doesn't see the other side. Good things will happen to someone who does good things too.

Although I believe the laws of attraction are true. We manifest into our lives what we do and want.

Karma gets blamed. Karma gets congratulated. Karma gets too much credit.

Can we agree that bad things happen to good people? And good things happen to the bad guys. Is it not our perception of those things that influences our opinions of the result?

Recently a friend complained about crap that happened to her only to be hit with an even deeper problem. She then wished bad karma on the perpetrator who caused her latest angst. I've been there. I knew exactly how she felt. The burning anger that needs to point blame on someone else. Is it not easier to blame someone else for our misfortunes than take 100% responsibility for them?

When we get beaten up, negativity distorts our vision and instead of figuring out how we can dust ourselves off, we wish ill on someone else and thus perpetually continue to attract crap into our lives.

When we are clear of anger, we know this can never work, but emotion knows how to cloud our view.
The negative thoughts are within us. They are daggers piercing our own soul. In wishing bad karma on someone else, we poison our own future. And we don't realize it.

Another friend who is a cancer survivor has a view of the world that is filled with rainbows and unicorns.. I've never heard her talk bad about anyone. Cancer slowed her down but did not disturb her eternal optimism.

Everybody has crap in their lives. Everybody has happiness. It is what we focus on that expands our universe. It's our choice what manifests into our future.

So if you have a choice, why wouldn't you choose happiness?

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