Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ideas are combustible but only under the right conditions

Mazda used to have a tagline in their advertising that demonstrated the fun of driving their cars. A kid would say "Zoom zoom", as if playing with his toy cars while he tore up the livingroom carpet.

Thinking about that iconic usage of rhythm reminds me of the number one problem with entrepreneurs.

Everyone has great ideas. Ideas can come from anywhere.

It's the execution that most people struggle with it.
Heavy lifting and working toward a goal forces the entrepreneur into submission. The ideas multiply and spread like a virus. Yet the budding entrepreneur remains stagnate in a pool of submission and stink.

The problem gets analysed and re-analysed. The solutions change. The work does not. And the work sits there waiting for the entrepreneur to grab the reins to ride the wild horse off into the sunset, where dreams exist and fairy tales come true.

But the entrepreneur becomes paralysed with intent. The term is analysis paralysis. The feeling is fear. Nothing is achieved without action.

An idea is like fire. Fire needs air to create the massive energy required to burn a stick of wood. Air equals action.

Dreams die every moment as another wannabe entrepreneur think up great ideas only to watch them suffocate without oxygen.

Question: What's the most important step toward action?
Answer: The first one.

Are you gonna let the smoke blow out your flame, or are you gonna fan the flame into the largest, brightest flame around? Once the flame takes off, you only have to direct the energy to where you want it to burn.

You can't light a good fire if you don't start with the right conditions.

It all starts and ends with the entrepreneur.
Ready to move yet?

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