Saturday, March 15, 2014

I am my worst enemy

The worst things that happen to me are usually my own doing. I get bent out of shape because of someone else who did something to me, yet when I look at the bigger picture, I can usually identify where I contributed to the problem and made it bigger with my actions/words.

Why do I do that? I don't do it on purpose. I don't lose control and say things I really don't mean. So what could cause me to make these situations worse?

I've been listening to a lot of Wayne Dyer lately. He says that being humble is the way to righteousness. Righteousness is the way to to getting everything you ever wanted. Most people's ego gets in the way. He even puts an acronym to EGO with the words "Edging God Out". Although I believe in God, I'm not going to wave a bible around and pretend to know what I'm talking about when it comes to this stuff.

I have identified that I have a very healthy ego. I also try to keep it in check, but being an introvert, I take a lot of things way too personal and end up feeding my ego, which derails my thinking and my opportunities.

I'm on a quest to find out where ego exists in the psyche. There really is no place for it in my life. The more I pay attention to it, the smaller it gets. It's like a parasite. Without a host, it cannot survive. Just realizing it is there and not feeding it will kill it, just like any other bad habit. 

Ever hear the line, when you point a finger at someone for your problems, you have three more pointing back at you? Basically, the lesson is to take responsibility for all that happens to us.

Are there sociopaths in the world? Absolutely! We create most of our headaches to ourselves. Think about that the next time, you feel you've been wronged. You'll be really surprised.    

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