Sunday, February 16, 2014

Do you know how to dream?

There are studies where a group of children are asked in first grade how many of them are creative. The responses are always very close to an astounding 100%.  The same kids were asked just 10 short years later and less than 25% considered themselves as creative.

The innocent creative belief of a child cannot be ignored. Children go through school. They learn, adapt, conform. Somewhere through the loss of innocence, creativity is lost.

I feel it is in that loss of creativity, where children also lose their ability to dream. Dreams are what keeps us going. Many use the silent tax of the lottery to hold up whatever dream they may have. Life kicks us in the nuts and we start to believe that we cannot reach for the stars. We are not worthy. That's for someone else...

I hear excuses all of the time why people don't go after their dreams. In a previous post, I explained that dreams cannot be accomplished without actions. And most people don't act out of fear. Fear is a critical player for many who do not achieve their dreams. I now think that another critical player for people is not being able to dream. They have just been beaten too many times. They have been told to be realistic. They have been told to play it safe.

Part of the reason I write this blog is to be an example for others. I am a dreamer. One of my dreams is to write a book. Now you know why the blogs. I write to practice. I write to help. I write to be inspired. I write not to play it safe.

Do you have a dream?

If you do, ask yourself how you will achieve it without winning a lottery or getting an inheritance.

If you don't, start asking yourself why.

Someone told me once that if I could accomplish my life's work in my lifetime, I wasn't dreaming big enough.

Recently, I heard the best one of all.

"When I die, will what I have done mattered".
We are a society of non-dreamers. We're propped up by the fake lottery dreams that we know are out of our reach. The lottery is an addiction to get a release of serotonin, which makes us happy for one evening a week.

I want you to start dreaming crazy dreams that you can do with your life. Let's start there. Share them with me in the comments of my blog. I want to hear them. It's gonna be uncomfortable. Don't be afraid. The people that judge you aren't important in your life anyways.

Ta ta for now!


  1. We share similar motivations for blogging, I think. I began mine almost three years ago as a means of writing my observations on life, but also as a primer to get my other writing moving forward. I am well into my novel now, and I've finished several other stories that were long-gestating, definitely ready to be born. I've learned that really potent writing, the kind that grips people, needs to be painful, or at very least uncomfortable to write.

  2. To Play a rock fest in front of a huge crowed. that would be sweet!
