Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I've never met a Newfie I didn't like

What makes a person from Newfoundland so special? I have yet to meet one I didn't like. They have a comforting, jovial spirit about them. Most of them are in perennial good moods. Anytime I've been around a Newf, there are usually funny stories, soliloquies, jokes and all round good times.

I've had cod and Screech. I don't think it comes from that. I have been known to be in a better mood after a few swishes of newfie moonshine, but it wears off by morning.

I don't know what it is, but I have to say I wish more people were like them. In a world where jerks seem to germinate by the minute, I have yet to meet one from Newfoundland. 

I've heard similar comments from my friends in Central Canada who say the same thing about all Atlantic Canadians. Assholes exist here, I assure them. 

Here's an idea for someone who wants to make a million dollars. Bottle up that Newfie like-ability and sell it as magic happy potion.

I don't know what they have to be happy about. They have the highest unemployment rate in the country. Cod stocks have depleted to almost nothing. They live on a rock. They get the worst snowstorms in the country. I've heard that snow can still be on the ground in June. 

One winter I had to do business in Gander. Imagine my surprise when I couldn't see the first floor of the hotel. Snowbanks were up to the second floor balconies. I thought winter was tough in New Brunswick. We got nothing on Gander. That was the most snow I have ever seen in my life. 

They don't take themselves too serious. They look at the bright side of life. They seem to value family, friends and fun, in that order. 

I know I'm generalizing, but as a group, I think Newfoundlanders are the best group of people I've ever met.

I asked a friend once if there were any assholes in Newfoundland. Here's what he said, "There've been many over tha years bye. Once we find 'im, we deport 'im to Torontah".

That answers so much...

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