Sunday, February 9, 2014

Living a life with no regret...

Remember Frank Sinatra singing a song about regrets? Elvis also sang about it.  It has always been one of my favourite songs. I listen to it to escape my current fears.

As I age, I am more genuinely interested in my parents' generation. I spoke to a gentleman recently who spoke about all of the business decisions he didn't take in life. On top of it, he blamed his wife for being too cautious, for holding him back. He blamed his family for not allowing him to take chances. He needed to provide for them. Going after a dream may have meant they would go hungry. Because I really respect this older fella, I didn't call him on his bullshit. I could still smell the fear on him. He was lamenting about his regrets.

It is regret I don't want to have in the twilight of my life. I am trying to live my life without regret. Everything I do, I do it to the best of my ability.

I read recently, that on our deathbed, regret is represented by all the things we wanted to do but didn't take the time to do them. So when I die, I don't want to be thinking about all of the things I didn't take the time to do. Why can't I do them now?

I will die one day. While I'm alive, I wanna live my life with no regrets. I wanna die knowing I've done everything I possibly could have on my time on Earth.

I don't spend enough time with family and friends. I get so caught up in my big hairy goals that I forget all of those people who mean so much to me.

We are defined by the loving relationships that we have. Yet sometimes, we fade away from those relationships because of work, distance, and time.

Yet on our deathbed, the only thing that matters is the people close to you. Work won't mourn you. Houses don't mourn you. Your boss probably won't mourn you. But your friends and family will. You will leave a hole in their hearts that is irreparable.

I miss my family. I miss getting together once per year to "catch up", to get some deep hugs and to see all of the new generation running around and playing like we once did. My kids don't realize how big their family is. We tell them about everyone, but they don't get it.

With that said, maybe the couple of weddings coming up will bring everyone together again. Then from there, I have to make it happen more regularly. Time is too precious.

Ta ta for now.


  1. Here is how I see it ... Dans 20 ans, vous serez plus déçu par les choses que vous n’avez pas faîtes que par celles que vous avez faites. Alors mettez les voiles. Explorez. Rêvez. Découvrez.

  2. Sometime we need to create the events we long for and not wait for others.
