Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Boy Scout Motto

As a kid I had the pleasure of being a Boy Scout. Not sure how I got started. All I remember is going to an old building that used to be a school. I was in grade 1. My friend's mom was one of the leaders. Maybe it was become of him I enlisted.

I started in Beavers, went through Cubs and stopped after Boy Scouts. The program was strong in my town. We had over 30 kids in Cubs, aged 7-10 years old. The popularity of Scouts wasn't as strong. It probably had to do with the coming of age of a boy. We only had 6 boys in our troop. Scouts were for 11-15 year olds. When drinking, girls and video games became more important to most, some of us still preferred camping, hiking and outdoor adventure.

I'm not sure why I stuck it out as long as I did. It was a different group of boys. Most boys I related to were active in sports. The boys in Scouts were good guys, but they were not cut from the same badge.

I guess I liked Scouts for two reasons: I got more time in the gymnasium, which helped me work on my basketball skills. And I liked camping.

Our first year in Scouts, our leader was a nut-job. He used to tell us survival stories about how to catch and eat a crow if we ever got lost in the woods. Then one day he got in a knife fight in front of the post office. I don't know if he got charged. He almost died from his wounds, but I doubt Scouts Canada deemed him mentally fit to lead young boys in the woods after that.

Then we got a prison guard for a leader. No one else wanted to do it, so he did it so his son could still participate. He was a good guy. Very strict and by the book. I can't remember having any fun that year. He spent an entire evening trying to teach me how to tie a slip knot. I'm not stupid but when it came to knots, I was thick skulled. Just the thought of knots puts them in my stomach.

A new teacher came to our town who had extensive scouting experience. As he was trying to fit into the community, he took over the Scout Troop for my last two years. He was a great guy. In his early 20's, he hadn't started a family yet, so he had lots of time to coordinate camping trips. We went to various jamborees with other Scouts from all over the Maritimes and Maine. It was by far my favourite 2 years in Scouts.

Do you know the Scout motto?

On my honour, I will do my best.
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;

We had to say this motto at the beginning and the end of every meeting. I think it got engrained in our psyche.

Ever wonder who deserves the credit for who you are as a person?

I give majority of credit to my family. There are others places that deserve my attention. I am who I am today because of five channels: Home, Sports, Church, School and Boy Scouts.

I'm thinking my kids could use a good dose of Scouts.

Anyone else have good memories of Scouting?

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