Monday, February 17, 2014

Workers wanted, pay optional...

Would you work for free?

At a very early age, children are asked the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up"? The answers are usually very noble, distinguishable careers: fireman, policeman, doctor, nurse...

Many of us sift through one opportunity to another until a meaningful profession starts to feel right. Even then, current statistics state that the average person will change careers 7 times in their lifetime.

I asked my daughter the above question this morning and she said that she wants to be a mom. The innocence of a child helps us get right to the point. Putting life in front of career is the way she thinks.

How many of us would be better off doing the same?

Ask yourself the question, "Would you do your current job if your boss stopped paying you"? If the answer is no, then you only go to work everyday for the paycheck. You've accumulated debt, maybe a couple of toys, a nice house, a couple of cars. You have aspirations of retirement or saving for your children's education. Ultimately you might be trapped in a rat race which the only feelings of freedom come from Friday afternoon, a few drinks on Saturday night, and a couple weeks vacation a year.

Life sucks if you're one of these people. I know because I've been there. Money makes the world go round. I get it. Work sucks if we do it for a paycheck and not for an intrinsic reward. What if you could do what you really love to do and still get paid? Where would your happiness be? Would you be more centred? Would you be a better dad/mom? Ultimately would life be more fulfilling?

Biggest problem for most people is they can't figure out what they really love to do. Their vision of their perfect career is clouded because it's hard to get past the immediate need of money generation.

I worked all day today for free and I loved it. I listened, guided and helped four different entrepreneurs as they pursue their craft, overcome their obstacles and build their dreams.

I can't work like this forever but it is so much more rewarding than the alternative. I will pass on the following advice I received once from my mentor, "Love what you do, then figure out how to get paid for it".

Good night!

"If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life".
-Donald Trump

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