Friday, April 4, 2014


In talking to a friend recently, it was noticed that the word "I" is the number one pronoun used in everyday conversation. It dominates most conversations. The friend admitted that his usage of the word was so extensive that others noticed it. He had been critically informed that he always wanted to be the centre of attention.

Can a person with a healthy ego go an entire day without using an ego driven pronoun like "I"?

Egomania is a serious disease in our society. With sugar addiction, it may be the next big thing that needs to be cured. Everyone has ego. How is it kept in check?

Awareness of the ego is the first step to recovery.

In Roy William's book, "Pendulum", he writes about society going through great changes every forty year cycle. The pendulum goes from a "we" society to a "me" society. In 2003, there were echos of the "we" society emerging. It's basic principle is that we will transition from a selfish society to a selfless society.

The greed of the 1980's is no longer acceptable. Neutron Jack Welch isn't praised as much for his management style anymore. He was considered the epitome of management during his time at General Electric. Part of Jack's strategy was to fire the bottom 33% of his staff every year. His reasoning was the fear tactic drove employees to new performance heights and created great wealth for stockholders. General Electric stock rose 600% during Welch's tenure at General Electric. Costco's grew 1200%. Forget about shareholder value for a minute, which between the two have a stronger brand?

It's no longer enough to just take care of oneself and one's family. There is a need to take care of others like most have never seen before. Companies like Costco treat their employees and subsequently their customers very well. The average wage across Costco employees is $23 per hour, while at Walmart, it's $13. Ever have to return something at Costco? It's one of the best return policies in the industry.

In this world of egomania, those who help others get what they want will ultimately achieve great success.

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