Thursday, April 17, 2014

The world is changing

50 years ago, in any small town you could find a general store. Walmart revolutionized retailing efficiency. They compete on price. They expanded markets. If your market got a Walmart, it meant you were special. Some markets rejected the opportunity for a Walmart rationalizing that it would hurt their economy. I understand the thinking behind such decisions. The community has concern for the local operators worrying about culture and the local economy.

Walmart promises jobs. Not high-paying jobs but jobs nonetheless. Jobs are the key to stimulation in any economy. Walmart opens up and within a few years all the small competitors close their doors. Does the economy improve or deteriorate? Profits are moved out of the region into Walmart's bank account. Yet jobs are created.

Here's the interesting thing. We no longer need Walmart for retailing. With more more people having access to the Internet, the access to online retailing can get you anything you ever wanted online. No worries about transportation, it will be delivered to your door. The prices are usually lower due to a lack of overhead costs like rent. If you shop online you save money. Everyone loves to save money.

I recently bought a hot tub on-line. The price of the hot tub was $3000 cheaper than any other hot tub I could find in the local community. Because I bought it through I'm very confident the warranty will be respected by the amazing retailer by the same name.

Here are the problems with spending money an on-line retailer. The economy is stimulated through job creation and the recycling of money. When you buy something online money leaves your community and it doesn't come back. It may be cheaper. With every positive, there is a negative. You save money, but you're neighbor may lose his job, which means he doesn't support your company anymore. Enough of this stuff going on and you're out of a job.

Buying cheap stuff on-line is a short term gain. We all lose eventually, unless we play the same game.

Most of us don't, so we have a problem.

I wonder about my kids future. I wonder what the world will look like without these retailers. We are in the information age. The greatest commodity isn't energy. It isn't food.

The greatest commodity in this new age is knowledge. The phrase, "Knowledge is power" has never been so accurate as it is right now.

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