Saturday, April 12, 2014

What others think

One of my biggest fears in life is what others think of me. It's been an ongoing struggle for years. I dress a certain way. I use the right language. I drive the right car. I own the right house. It's f'ing tiring. A person cannot keep postering so that others view them a certain way.

I bought a nice home. Immediately thereafter I had to go into damage control. What will people think when they see what I've bought? They'll think I'm rich. They'll think I have more money than I actually have. I didn't buy the house for everyone else. I bought it for me, my wife and the kids. I am a far cry away from the kid that shared a bedroom with his sister in a mini-home.

I could discuss into how cheap I got the property, but no one will hear me. I could tell you about all the problems with the house before I bought it, and no one will care. I could tell you about the perfect storm that was created for us to buy our dream home, and it won't matter.

Ultimately, I have tried to downplay the purchase. I'm not rich monetarily. I shouldn't care what anyone else thinks about me and my family. But I do. And it's this thinking that forces me to react the way that I do. It's this mentality that bothers me.

I've been unemployed for 6 months. Actually unemployed is an incorrect term. I'm out of the labour force because I don't qualify for employment insurance. Yet we strive. Bills are paid, purchases are made, and ultimately everyone is happy.

One of my friends was recently confronted by her peers about a self administered shortened workweek. She was obviously distressed about the reaction of others regarding her situation. I know where she's coming from. My wife has worked outside of the home 4 days per week for 6 years. She works enough at home to take care of us all to make up the other 3 days. I admire her courage and her tenacity.

I try really hard not to care what others think of me. It's too much energy focused in the wrong direction. The haters that don't understand don't matter.

My life is mine. No one cared about me as a child except my family. If you're trying to build yourself up, leave me alone, 'cause I'm not gonna listen anyways.

If you love me, you won't hurt me.

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