Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Everything is back to normal

Over the past two blogs, I shared insights about our personal experiences without the luxury of electricity. For two days, we survived in less than normal conditions.

Compared to those less fortunate, it wasn't that hard. It was an inconvenience at best. The power came back while we were gone to the liquor store. I guess I should have hit the liquor store earlier.

It was a nice feeling to be back to normalcy again. Yet, there was a fleeing image of a wonderful two days together. So much so, we turned off all of the lights and played hide and seek one last time before bedtime. We left the beds together one more night and let the kids fall asleep playing flashlight tag in the dark. Admittedly, we had a lot of fun.

Enjoying a soothing beverage, we discussed what we lost over the past two days.

It wasn't heat - the fireplace kept us warm.
It wasn't food.
It wasn't money. No damage to our house or loss of income due to the outage.
It wasn't even time, because we spent it together.

So what did we lose over two days? We lost our comfort. It wasn't as comfortable as we're used to. Things were different. We had to adjust. Getting uncomfortable in life is where growth happens.

You can choose to be upset about it or accept it. We chose to accept it. We thrived and grew as a family.

Based on these family changing events, my wife plans to force us to disconnect every Saturday night and have family night. Not sure she's thinking clearly right now. Too many distractions to get everyone to agree to family time.

To support her, I promised to do my part by flipping the main power switch. That'll get rid of the distractions.

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